看曼昆的经济学原理,他讲的一个边际的例子没看懂.As another example,consider an airline deciding how much to charge passengers who fly standby.Suppose that flying a 200-seat plane across the country costs the airline $100,000.In th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 18:19:57
看曼昆的经济学原理,他讲的一个边际的例子没看懂.As another example,consider an airline deciding how much to charge passengers who fly standby.Suppose that flying a 200-seat plane across the country costs the airline $100,000.In th
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看曼昆的经济学原理,他讲的一个边际的例子没看懂.As another example,consider an airline deciding how much to charge passengers who fly standby.Suppose that flying a 200-seat plane across the country costs the airline $100,000.In th
As another example,consider an airline deciding how much to charge passengers who fly standby.Suppose that flying a 200-seat plane across the country costs the airline $100,000.In this case,the average cost of each seat is $100,000/200,which is $500.One might be tempted to conclude that the airline should never sell a ticket for less than $500.In fact,however,the airline can raise its profits by opportunity cost whatever must be given up to obtain some item marginal changes small incremental adjustments to a plan of action thinking at the margin.Imagine that a plane is about to take off with ten empty seats,and a standby passenger is waiting at the gate willing to pay $300 for a seat.Should the airline sell it to him?Of course it should.If the plane has empty seats,the cost of adding one more passenger is minuscule.Although the average cost of flying a passenger is $500,the marginal cost is merely the cost of the bag of peanuts and can of soda that the extra passenger will consume.As long as the standby passenger pays more than the marginal cost,selling him a ticket is profitable.
我的问题是:Why the marginal cost is merely the cost of the bag of peanuts and can of soda that the extra passenger will consume?为什么说一个额外旅客消耗的边际成本只是增加了一瓶苏打水,一带糖炒栗子?难道它本身不需要有$500的实际成本么?

看曼昆的经济学原理,他讲的一个边际的例子没看懂.As another example,consider an airline deciding how much to charge passengers who fly standby.Suppose that flying a 200-seat plane across the country costs the airline $100,000.In th

看曼昆的经济学原理,他讲的一个边际的例子没看懂.As another example,consider an airline deciding how much to charge passengers who fly standby.Suppose that flying a 200-seat plane across the country costs the airline $100,000.In th 列举稀缺性的例子,经济学原理的. 边际量 边际变动 边际利益 边际成本的关系,请举例讲得通俗易懂些, 用经济学原理分析在我们身边所发生的事(举一个例子)拜托了! 理性人考虑边际量 曼昆 经济学原理“理性人考虑边际量”,这是曼昆-经济学原理的一条,可是根据书上内容和例子还是不能很清楚,希望有人能帮帮ME.最好联系身边的实际,举个例子也行…… 比较边际收益递减和规模报酬递减的差异?运用西方经济学原理 曼昆经济学原理中的一个例子的解释再举一个考虑边际量如何有助于作出决策的例子,考虑一个航空公司决定对等退票的乘客收取多高的价格.假设一架200个座位的飞机横越国内飞行一次,航空 曼昆经济学原理中的一条:理性人考虑边际量.求各位大神给一个可以用这条原理分析的案例,最好附上分析. 谷贱伤农的经济学原理 经济学原理的框架结构是什么? 倾销的经济学原理是什么 求经济学原理以及相关案例我要一个经济学原理的名字,意思和相关的案例, 经济学名词解释曼尼的经济学原理里面的边际量,边际成本,边际利益的解释.以及它们之间的关系.主要是他们之间的关系,边际量,边际成本,边际利益的关系.是不是边际变动引起边际量呢? 边际成本和边际产品是什么意思?能不能用一个很通俗的例子解释一下?还有就是平均产品又是什么意思,顺便也给一个例子, 边际成本的边际是什么意思? 谁是政治经济学原理的高手! 经济学原理案在生活中的现象 求经济学原理的考试题目