both I and he like swimming now 改为同义句,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:37:26
both I and he like swimming now 改为同义句,
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both I and he like swimming now 改为同义句,
both I and he like swimming now 改为同义句,

both I and he like swimming now 改为同义句,
both I and he like swimming now 改为同义句
Both us like swimming now.
we are in fond of swimming now.

We both like swimming now.
Both of us like swimming now.
We, he and I, like swimming now.

Not only I but also he likes swimming now .

I like swimming now, just like him.

He and I both like milk both I and he like swimming now 改为同义句, Both he and I like eating fruit这句话有错误吗 无论如何看一下:both.and...后的动词与什么一致?比如;Both I and he like the film.这里是用like 还是likes? he tea and milk both like对or 错 7.You and I like listening to music.We_____have the same_____.A.both.hobbies B.too...hobbiesC.are.hobby D.both...hobby8.I'm eleven years old.And my little brother is eight.So______.A.He's taller than me.B.I'm three years older.C.I'm two months older. It's not necessary to be the same.I like to have friends who are different from me.My best friend larry is taller and more outgoing than me.We both like sports,but larry is more athletic than me.He always beats me in tennis.Also,I'm quieter than he i I like both basketball and football.I like basketball and football ___ ___. both are right.both这里是代词么?1.both are right.both这里是代词么?2.Both he and I.这里both是什么词性? both he and i are teachers 改为否定句 he and I are both.这里的are需要么 i and he are both brothers.___改 ( ) Linda and I _______ cleaning the room.A.are both B.both like why i like both plants and animals.both为什么没放在行为动词前? ..反义疑问句:(1)Mary and Tina both like reading books,_______?(2)You like pop music,_______?(3)He could hardly believe her words,_______?(4)You're new here,______?(5)He's never been to Beijing,_______?(6)I don't think Li Lei will catch the e Both he and she like skating转换为( )( )he( )( )she( )skating sam's parents____dancing and singing in the partyA both like B like both C both likes D all like 再说一下为什么这么选 在Both he and I passed the exam.和 He and I both passed the exam.中both的意思及词性.