
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:14:00
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Several days ago, there was a earthquake affected Ruchuan, Sichuan, China. And the resoult is thounsands people died from this earthquake, and now, the government is sending troops to that area to rescue those who servive, but yet, still stuck in the darkness. I saw many pictures about the situation there, many students died, a whole lot of died body, I cannot believe those are the student just like you and me, they were just like us, but now, a whole lot of corpses are stiring at me through the picture, telling me how they feel when they facing the death, and yell at me that they do not want to die, they are still young! Their city is distroied, but now, I am standing here, give you all the speech, this is such a easy work if compare to those who already died, I feel that I really is the lucky one, there is no earthquake here, I don't need to suffer in the dark, all my friend and my familly is all right, I'm still in good health, there really is nothing I can ask for more. I know we see a huge shadow in front of us, but I am not afried, because

Several days ago, there was a earthquake affected Ruchuan, Sichuan, China. And the resoult is thounsands people died from this earthquake, and now, the government is sending troops to that area to res...


Several days ago, there was a earthquake affected Ruchuan, Sichuan, China. And the resoult is thounsands people died from this earthquake, and now, the government is sending troops to that area to rescue those who servive, but yet, still stuck in the darkness. I saw many pictures about the situation there, many students died, a whole lot of died body, I cannot believe those are the student just like you and me, they were just like us, but now, a whole lot of corpses are stiring at me through the picture, telling me how they feel when they facing the death, and yell at me that they do not want to die, they are still young! Their city is distroied, but now, I am standing here, give you all the speech, this is such a easy work if compare to those who already died, I feel that I really is the lucky one, there is no earthquake here, I don't need to suffer in the dark, all my friend and my familly is all right, I'm still in good health, there really is nothing I can ask for more. I know we see a huge shadow in front of us, but I am not afried, because I know, and I can guarantee you that there is sunlight behind us, the sun, the hope, is still here, we already got everything we needed.


初中英语作文(抗震,雪灾,奥运)明天考!明天考, 有关这次雪灾的初中英语作文 关于奥运的初中英语作文... 与奥运,雪灾,地震等的优秀作文帮个忙 关于雪灾、奥运、地震的英语作文一样一篇.一样一篇...........3篇都要翻译蛤 罗列作文素材 写人写景写事,奥运,抗震救灾 关于2008年一些重要事情的作文!关于雪灾、地震、奥运等大事,要有感触,并结合世界! 有关奥运、汶川地震和抗雪灾的作文题材还要一些歌词,象奥运主题曲啊,或者比较有哲理的名人名言.还有关于感动中国的! 有关雪灾的作文 关于奥运的英语作文!要150词以上的英文作文,抗震救灾的也行. 谁知道哪里有英语作文的范文吗?关于奥运和抗震救灾的!高中的英语作文, 关于奥运会和抗震救灾的作文,关于奥运会和抗震救灾的作文各一篇,好心人请尽快回答,星期五之前回答.《奥运会开幕式有感》、《奥运在我心中》``````抗震救灾的我就不用说了, 一篇以桥为话题的600字作文?最好能联系实际(如抗震救灾,奥运圣火传递)等 请帮我写一篇在奥运会上做志愿者的初中英语作文, 初中英语作文5篇有关感恩的截止明天晚上. 求有关雪灾,地震,奥运,神七的写作文素材!要求:短而精,能充分体现中国的迅速成长! 请以“走过2008”为话题写一篇高中生作文内容主要围绕奥运,地震和雪灾写.体裁不限,诗歌除外.写得好给加分奥! 谁能帮我找几篇关于08年雪灾和奥运的文章!奥运和雪灾可以分开 3500字左右!