Nobody can finish the work------him .Awith Bor C but Dbesidesorry 1 -------I will be in ten year?A what do you think B do you think what Cwhen do you think Ddo you think when 2 Look at the card.IT----"Hello".Aspeaks B talks Cwrites Dsays

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:48:19
Nobody can finish the work------him .Awith Bor C but Dbesidesorry 1 -------I will be in ten year?A what do you think B do you think what Cwhen do you think Ddo you think when 2 Look at the card.IT----
xRMOQ+7څc5aQAa2dfa7)BD0VlK~ 3+BGV޻{ι7Gh$֒+BF7Ӗ@ f4+!"i ԢFȜ]H@D- ς)Duiגq]9Ò+kY /t=\To>\M$)hT%nb KI࿜14K5!l*Y31g"DŽv~uOxw!Ӕ|!. tq+z?>F86qJv-:VY 1E5r'~[*g^d^\1qVtί- DLY

Nobody can finish the work------him .Awith Bor C but Dbesidesorry 1 -------I will be in ten year?A what do you think B do you think what Cwhen do you think Ddo you think when 2 Look at the card.IT----"Hello".Aspeaks B talks Cwrites Dsays
Nobody can finish the work------him .
Awith Bor C but Dbeside
1 -------I will be in ten year?
A what do you think B do you think what
Cwhen do you think Ddo you think when
2 Look at the card.IT----"Hello".
Aspeaks B talks Cwrites Dsays

Nobody can finish the work------him .Awith Bor C but Dbesidesorry 1 -------I will be in ten year?A what do you think B do you think what Cwhen do you think Ddo you think when 2 Look at the card.IT----"Hello".Aspeaks B talks Cwrites Dsays
C 因为Nobody can finish the work 已经是一个完整的句子了并且答案ABD的选项都是介词可以用排除法而C是一个副词是除了的意思 也就是没有人能完成这个工作除了他

应该选择C。首先,B选项or是连词,是连接两个句子的,不能连接两个词汇,故排除。A项,有“和,与”的意思,明显不合题意,排除。D项,besides是“ad.而且,此外(还) prep.除…之外(还)”的意思。地处应该填介词,即为“除…之外(还)”之意,而题目中应该是强调除了他没有人可以完成工作,故排除。C项,but此处不是连词,而是介词“prep.除…以外”之意,符合题意。...


应该选择C。首先,B选项or是连词,是连接两个句子的,不能连接两个词汇,故排除。A项,有“和,与”的意思,明显不合题意,排除。D项,besides是“ad.而且,此外(还) prep.除…之外(还)”的意思。地处应该填介词,即为“除…之外(还)”之意,而题目中应该是强调除了他没有人可以完成工作,故排除。C项,but此处不是连词,而是介词“prep.除…以外”之意,符合题意。
