And he was supposed to say"What's that,hon?"was supposed to say it distractedly and without interest as he read Hugh Sidney's column about the presidency in Time.But Jeff wasn't distracted:he did't give a damn about Sidney's ramblings.He was in fact

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:35:06
And he was supposed to say
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And he was supposed to say"What's that,hon?"was supposed to say it distractedly and without interest as he read Hugh Sidney's column about the presidency in Time.But Jeff wasn't distracted:he did't give a damn about Sidney's ramblings.He was in fact
And he was supposed to say"What's that,hon?"was supposed to say it distractedly and without interest as he read Hugh Sidney's column about the presidency in Time.But Jeff wasn't distracted:he did't give a damn about Sidney's ramblings.He was in fact more focused and aware than he had been in a long,long time.So he didn't say anything at all for several moments;he just stared at the false tears in Linda's eyes and thought about the things they needed.he and she.

And he was supposed to say"What's that,hon?"was supposed to say it distractedly and without interest as he read Hugh Sidney's column about the presidency in Time.But Jeff wasn't distracted:he did't give a damn about Sidney's ramblings.He was in fact
并且他应该说"那是什么,hon “应该说它心烦意乱且没有什么兴趣,当他读关于总统的职务的休・ Sidney的专栏在Time.But杰夫未分散:他一点也不在乎关于Sidney的漫记.他在很长时间实际上被知道和关注.因此他根本没说什么在几个片刻; 他只是在琳达的眼睛凝视到错误的泪花并且考虑到他们需要他和她.

John ______ go to the post office this morning,but he didn‘tA.was supposed supposed toC.supposed toD.supposed And he was supposed to sayWhat's that,hon?was supposed to say it distractedly and without interest as he read Hugh Sidney's column about the presidency in Time.But Jeff wasn't distracted:he did't give a damn about Sidney's ramblings.He was in fact toe-to-toe什么意思?原文:Obama's task was to show that he could go toe-to-toe with McCain on foreign policy,his supposed weakness and McCain's supposed strength. He was supposed ____ (come)there at 7 am,but he was ten minutes late jim left early because he ____ to meet his sister at the airport this afternoon.a.would suppose b.was supposed c.supposed d.had supposed He ____come to school at 7:00am,but he was ten minutes late是用过去式还是现在式{was supposed to}{is supposed to} Tom Sawyer ___________ to paint the fence himself but he got his friends to do it for him.A.supposed B.has supposed C.had supposed D.was supposed 英语翻译A man named Li went on a fishing holiday.Fishing was his favorite sport,and he had many prizes for fish he had caught.This summer the weather was beautiful and the fishing was supposed to be good,so he decided to travel around the country ----You ( )part in the party in time.----sorry I was delayed by the accident.A.are supposed to takeB.have supposed to C.are supposed to have takenD.supposed to takeHow to choose?and tell me why please. 英语翻译Did you know that Ray was originally cast as the Tin Man,and Buddy Ebsen was supposed to play the Scarecrow?Ray was very upset about it,because he had long dreamed of playing the Scarecrow.He and his wife,Gwendolyn,approached the producer He famous and he was only fifteen. 谁帮我解一道英文数学题Stan was supposed to subtract a small number from a big number.He added them instead. The difference in Stan's answer and the correct was 120.If the big number was 280 more than the small number, what was the product 请问这句英文表达的是什么意思?The linen was supposed to be two yards and I got one.And the animal paisley was supposed to be one yard and I got two. He is the man __ I supposed was capable of doing such a thing.who?to whom?of whom?whom? He was supposed ____ here yesterday.A.come come C.coming D.comes 解析.打得好累 若干道定语从句及名词性从句的题目1.He was a born sailor and I can’t remember any occasion____ he had any sort of accident with the boat.(a)2.When the sailor went below,____ is supposed,and a sudden gust of wind came down.,_______ wou 英语翻译While waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed to be interviewed,he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tyre of his car.1、请解释be supposed to 2、请标准翻译这个句子, it was supposed to be easy.