用May I提问,否定回答能用 No ,you may

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:01:20
用May I提问,否定回答能用 No ,you may
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用May I提问,否定回答能用 No ,you may
用May I提问,否定回答能用 No ,you may

用May I提问,否定回答能用 No ,you may
没有这种用法,多数用“No,you can't.”而且用“may”提问表示你们俩并不很熟,很礼节性.所以否定也要稍微委婉一些,比如“I'm afraid not.”

No You Can't use 'No ,you may not'

对MAY进行回答 应该用CAN吧 no,you can't 或者委婉点:i am afraid not

显然是不行的,应该是No,you can't.

用May I提问,否定回答能用 No ,you may must提问,否定回答问什么不能用no,you mustn't?而用may提问,否定则用no,you mustn't.mustn't 和can't有什么区别? May I 提问?肯定回答除了用Yes,please外,用Yes,you may还是Yes,you can?否定回答是No,you can't还是No,you mustn't 英语 may提问用什么回答?肯定否定准确回答 用may提问的句子如何回答?May I have a look?Yes,you can./No,you mustn't.用can或could做肯定回答合适么?还是必须用may?同样的,用mustn't或can't作否定回答合适吗?还是必须用may not? 用may提问的句子,否定回答怎么说?May we live the classroom now?No,you ___.___上填mustn't还是can't为什么 must I park my car in the garage?No,you( ),you( ) park it over there,the parking lotA.mustn't ,may B.don't have to,may为什么答案选A,不是must 提问,否定回答,不能用 mustn't的吗 May I leave now?怎么否定回答,no,you mustn't还是no,you can't May I go home now﹖ 的回答为什么是 :No,you mustn't. 而不是No,you mayn't.一般疑问句回答形式不是:否定:No,+主语+提问的动词+not. May I park the car here?-No,you----.look at the sign NO Parking回答为什么选mustn't而不选can't?用may I的否定回答一定要用mustn't吗?那肯定回答用什么? May I park the car here?-No,you----.look at the sign NO Parking回答为什么选mustn't而不选can't?用may I的否定回答一定要用mustn't吗?那肯定回答用什么? may提问的句子可以用MAY NOT作否定回答么? may i watch TV now?否定回答no,后是三个空 May I stay here till tomorrow?的肯定和否定回答YES,/NO, 请问一下用may提问,回答是否定的可用哪些词?(如问妈妈我能看电视吗?妈妈回答说No, -- May i park the bike here?-- No,you ________.You should park it over there.A.couldn't B.mustn't用may提问,否定答语不是mustn't / can't 能用couldn't 外行勿入.答的好的额外再加分. May i come in?回答为什么不能用No,you won't may的否定回答may i park here?--------.please look at the sign NO PARKING over thereA no,you may not B you'better not