改错下面每题中有一处错误,并说出理由.1,He doesn't have a house and a car.2,He left without say a word.3,Lucy'sweater is the same color like mary's.Because they bought in the same place.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 06:09:23
改错下面每题中有一处错误,并说出理由.1,He doesn't have a house and a car.2,He left without say a word.3,Lucy'sweater is the same color like mary's.Because they bought in the same place.
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改错下面每题中有一处错误,并说出理由.1,He doesn't have a house and a car.2,He left without say a word.3,Lucy'sweater is the same color like mary's.Because they bought in the same place.
1,He doesn't have a house and a car.
2,He left without say a word.
3,Lucy'sweater is the same color like mary's.Because they bought in the same place.

改错下面每题中有一处错误,并说出理由.1,He doesn't have a house and a car.2,He left without say a word.3,Lucy'sweater is the same color like mary's.Because they bought in the same place.
1,He doesn't have a house and a car
改为 He doesn't have a house or a car.否定用OR 肯定用and
2,He left without say a word
改成 He left without saying a word.without后跟名词或动名词
3,Lucy'sweater is the same color like mary's.Because they bought in the same place.
改为Lucy'sweater is the same color as mary's.Because they bought in the same place.
A is the same……as B 这个是固定用法,背出来就好

1.and 改成or 否定句中用的是or
2.say改成saying without后面加diong
3.like改成as 句式:the sama as

1中 and 改为 or ,因为否定句中并列连词用 or;
2中 say 后加 ing,因为without是介词,后面的动词要用现在分词形式;
3中 is 改为 has,因为毛衣不是颜色。

1, He doesn't have a house or a car.分别否定,连接用or
2,He left without saying a word. without为介词 后+动名词
3,Lucy'sweater is the same color like mary's.Because they were bought in the same place 第二句缺少宾语,我改成了被动 这里的they指的sweaters。