(某主谓宾)when devoted to his work这个时间状语为什么是错的求大侠指教

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 10:10:10
(某主谓宾)when devoted to his work这个时间状语为什么是错的求大侠指教
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(某主谓宾)when devoted to his work这个时间状语为什么是错的求大侠指教
(某主谓宾)when devoted to his work这个时间状语为什么是错的

(某主谓宾)when devoted to his work这个时间状语为什么是错的求大侠指教
sb be devoted to (doing) sth
devote sb to (doing) sth 使某人注意某事.sb是被动者

(某主谓宾)when devoted to his work这个时间状语为什么是错的求大侠指教 ()didn't believe what you said because () didn't believe in you.(i ,my)饿.某英语白痴对主谓宾分不清嗯请个位快一点 The baby can't dress itself的句子结构是?是主 系 表,还是主谓,还是主谓宾,还是主谓宾宾,还是主谓宾补? I don’t think he will come.主谓宾分别是什么则么分辨主谓宾 what he said doesn't matter 句型是主谓还是主谓宾 划分一下句子成分 don't drive so quickly,分析主谓宾 谢谢 英语的句型:1.主谓宾 2.主谓(宾)英语的句型:1.主谓宾2.主谓(宾)3.主系表4.主谓宾+宾补5.主谓宾+宾 He used to () his teaching when he was young;a devote tob; be devoted toc;devoting tod;being devoted to 英语翻译He devoted ()the poor students 什么是 主谓宾 定状补?(汉语中) 怎样找主谓宾(句子主干)? 英语五种结构的句子(主谓 主谓宾 主谓宾宾补 主系表 主谓双宾)谁给我讲一下… 题目给出7种句型:主谓、主谓宾、主谓补、主谓状、主谓双宾、主谓宾补、主谓宾状1.i have had my lunch2.she is reading a novel 3.the meeting lasted for two hours4.the ball is under the desk5.the question is difficult6.t When will the meeting begin?这句话主谓宾都是什么? he looked up from his desk when I entered.求教这句话的主谓宾, 英语句型中主谓宾(间接)宾(直接)和主谓宾宾补有什么区别?如上 He wanted to know when the meeting would start. 是主谓宾结构吗?he wanted主谓,to know是什么成分? 主谓宾句子汉语