这句话强调的是 dragon boat races还是chinese people?In the old days,dragon boat races were only orgainsed by Chinese people

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 11:29:48
这句话强调的是 dragon boat races还是chinese people?In the old days,dragon boat races were only orgainsed by Chinese people
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这句话强调的是 dragon boat races还是chinese people?In the old days,dragon boat races were only orgainsed by Chinese people
这句话强调的是 dragon boat races还是chinese people?
In the old days,dragon boat races were only orgainsed by Chinese people

这句话强调的是 dragon boat races还是chinese people?In the old days,dragon boat races were only orgainsed by Chinese people
是 dragon boat races,
这是一个被动句,Chinese people 是动作的发出者,为了强调dragon boat races,而把它提前.
这句话也可以说成:In the old days,Chinese people orgainsed dragon boat races.
这里强调dragon boat races还是chinese people跟only没有关系,而only在这里表达的是“只有,唯一”,在古代只有我们有龙舟比赛,不是美国人,不是英国人.

Chinese people,如果强调dragon boat的话,only 应放在dragon boat前

是 dragon boat races,

是chinese people.
[译文] 从前,划龙船只有中国人组织。

这句话强调的是 dragon boat races还是chinese people?In the old days,dragon boat races were only orgainsed by Chinese people 帮忙看一下这句话The Dragon Boat Festival,also called the Duanwu FestivalThe Dragon Boat Festival,also called the Duanwu Festival.这句话是对的吗>also 前面要不要加is? She need some rice to make dumplings to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival这句话对吗,need的时态应该用现在是还是过去式? Dragon Boat Festival的音标 是in dragon boat festival还是on dragon boat festival还是at dragon boat festival have dragon boat races 我知道是赛龙舟的意思,但我想知道这句话用了什么语have dragon boat races 我知道是赛龙舟的意思,但我想知道这句话用了什么语法为什么能这样表示,最好举个例子 have a good time on the dragon boat festival!这句话有错误码 / 这句话有错误吗?have a good time on the dragon boat day!怎么改 是on the dragon boat festival还是at the dragon boat festival?到底是哪个?!!! 是on the dragon boat festival还是at the dragon boat festival? i like dragon boat festival best.的同义句 ___ ___ ___ is dragon boat festival the Spring Festival Halloween Mid-autumn Festival Christmas Dragon Boat Festival的意思是什么?是英语! Spring Festival Dragon Boat Festival 从哪个词看得出这两个是单数 Dragon Boat Festival Happy Dragon Boat Festival! the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat races 是什么意思 watch the dragon boat