
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 22:12:21
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第一篇:Einstein's contributions to physics began in 1905 with three major results:the explanation of Brownian motion in terms of molecules; the explanation of the photoelectric effect in terms of the quantum; and the special theory of relativity that links time to space and energy to matter.From 1907 to 1915 Einstein developed general relativity,a theory of gravity more accurate than Newton's; it became the basis of theoretical cosmology.In failed efforts in the 1930s to refute the interpretation of quantum theory in terms of probability,Einstein contributed to the theoretical basis for what is sometimes called teleportation of photons (which Einstein called "spooky action at a distance").His last major effort was an attempt to unify electromagnetism and gravity into a single unified field theory,still an active problem of physics.
第二篇:Einstein,Albert theoretical physicist,born in Ulm,Germany.Einstein's 1939 letter to President Franklin D.Roosevelt urging that the United States develop an atomic bomb gave rise to the Manhattan Project.Einstein himself,however,played no role in that undertaking.He received the Nobel Prize in physics (1921) for his elaboration of the quantum theory.
Einstein's scientific work from this point was devoted to his effort to create a unified field theory,linking electromagnetism and light.Although such a theory eluded him,and other scientists proclaimed it impossible,he persisted with characteristic stubbornness.He consulted for the navy on the Manhattan Project during World War II,an action that went against his pacifist grain but seemed essential at the time because of the war's menace.