i was supposed to arrive at 8 o'clock,but i was late中的arrive at 如何翻译 还有就是reach at got at arrive in 分别如何翻译?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:32:03
i was supposed to arrive at 8 o'clock,but i was late中的arrive at 如何翻译 还有就是reach at got at arrive in 分别如何翻译?
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i was supposed to arrive at 8 o'clock,but i was late中的arrive at 如何翻译 还有就是reach at got at arrive in 分别如何翻译?
i was supposed to arrive at 8 o'clock,but i was late中的arrive at 如何翻译 还有就是reach at got at arrive in 分别如何翻译?

i was supposed to arrive at 8 o'clock,but i was late中的arrive at 如何翻译 还有就是reach at got at arrive in 分别如何翻译?
You mustn't stop your car here,must you?
They must finish the work today,needn't they?
He must be good at english,isn't he?
(4)当must+have done表示对过去的情况进行推测(一般句中有明确的过去时间状语),问句要根据陈述部分谓语的情况用“didn't+主语”或“wasn't/weren't+主语”;如果强调动作的完成(一般没有明确的过去时间状语),问句要用“haven't/hasn't+主语”.
She must have read the novel last week,didn't she?
You must have told her about it,haven't you?
根据原题Daniel's bag must be in the room,丹尼尔的包肯定在房间里,就是对现在的肯定推测,所以符合上面的第三种,因此答案是isn't it?

arrive at 如何翻译 到达
reach at got at arrive in 分别如何翻译?
都是到达的意思,不过reach到达某地时 后不跟介词

我本应在八点到达,但是我迟到了。arrive 是个不及物动词,这里与at 无关。但要表示“到达”一个地方时,要加一个介词。小地方用at 大地方用in
get to 表示“到达” 是口语。reach表示“抵达”较正式,直接跟名词。

How was I supposed to know that? I supposed to.I wonder. ---Bob,where were you yesterday?we had a meeting.--- ( )to come to the meeting?Nobody told me about it.A.Did I supposed B.Would I supposed C.Was I supposed D.Had I supposed 怎么填?为什么? how was i supposed to know .我想知道这是一个什么句式?还有was supposed to 是be+形容词+介词这种固定词组吗?还有如果不是疑问句是不是应该这样写 i how was i supposed to know? ----You ( )part in the party in time.----sorry I was delayed by the accident.A.are supposed to takeB.have supposed to C.are supposed to have takenD.supposed to takeHow to choose?and tell me why please. ---You ___ part in the party in time.---Sorry I was delayed by the accident.A.are supposed to take B.have supposed to C.are supposed to have take D.supposed to take为什么,请解析, -----You _____ here in time.----Sorry,I was held up by the accident.Aare supposed to have arrivedB.are supposed to arrive C.have supposed to arrive D.supposed to arrive i was supposed to leave 这里的to leave 什么成分 i was supposed to leave 这里的to leave 什么成分 What else was I supposed to write?suppose在这里应该怎样理解呢? it was supposed to be easy. Oh I know what I supposed to I was supposed to take care of him.为什么这句话要用was 不用am呢? what am i supposed to do 歌词 where am i supposed to change 请问这句英文表达的是什么意思?The linen was supposed to be two yards and I got one.And the animal paisley was supposed to be one yard and I got two. im sorry that i __pass the quiz last time but i didnt at last.i was so__A.was supposed to,sad B.should,useless He is the man __ I supposed was capable of doing such a thing.who?to whom?of whom?whom?