
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 20:12:15
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welcome to come to tonight's weather forecast ,now i'am going to report the weather about tomorrow's Harbin.tomorrow is a sunny day and the temperture will be 15-20degree,if you plan to go out ,please get up early and enjoy the fresh air

Thanks for watching the weather forecast tonight. Now I am going to show you the weather in Harbin tomorrow. It will be a sunny day with a temperature of 15 to 21 degrees. Hope the friends who are going out tomorrow morning could get up earlier to take more fresh air.

Welcome to tonight's weather report.Now I'll tell you tomorrow's weather in Harbin.It will be fine.The tempreturewill be 15-21℃.If you want to go for a trip,you may get up early and enjoy the nice air.

Here is the weather forecast,tomorrow is a suuny day in Harbin,and the tempreture will be 15-21 degrees,so get up earlier to enjoy the fresh air.

Welcome to watch the weather forecast.Tomorrow Harbin weather will be sunny.the low is 15 degree,the high is 21 degree.you are expected to get up early and enjoy the fresh air.

Good evening. This is the tonight's weather forecast. Now, I am going to show you the weather of tomorrow in Harbin. Tomorrow will be a sunny and dry day. The temperature varies from 15 to 21 degree. ...


Good evening. This is the tonight's weather forecast. Now, I am going to show you the weather of tomorrow in Harbin. Tomorrow will be a sunny and dry day. The temperature varies from 15 to 21 degree. If you want go ou tomorrow,try to get up early and the air in the morning will really fresh you up. (That's for now, thank you very much. I will see you tomorrow.)


英语翻译欢迎您收看今晚的天气预报.现在我将播报一下哈尔滨明日的天气.明日是一个晴天.温度是15-21摄氏度,希望明天外出的朋友要早早起床,多呼吸一下明日的空气. 英语翻译欢迎收看明天的天气预报.明天早晨天气晴朗,最高温度是5度,下午有雾,并转有小雨,晚上最低温度是0度.欢迎收看! 英语翻译美剧欢迎收看今天的.节目以上就是今天节目的主要内容,欢迎下次继续收看 欢迎收看天气预报,这样说对吗 welcome to weather report 英语翻译欢迎您收看天气预报!我将告诉你关于下周的天气情况.周一天气较炎热,晴朗有阳光.周二大致多云,天气炎热.周三天气暖和,略有小雨.周四有微风,会下雨,上街记得要带上一把小伞,多 欢迎收看天气预报,这样说对吗 welcome to watch the weather report 收看中央电视台的天气预报节目,它都包含哪些内容? 收看中央电视台的天气预报节目,它都包含哪些内容? 英语翻译晚上好.欢迎收看岭南唯一的英语新闻频道ABCDEFGHIMNOPQ,向大家报道岭南及广州的新闻.近日,发现有疯子,他们常常出现在餐厅、商场等公共场所,欺负弱视群体.在屏幕的右上方,大家可以 欢迎收看今天的节目用英文怎么说 我有一个weather report,要用英文说,帮忙翻译一下~大家好:欢迎收看今天的天气预报.今天的最高温度是15摄氏度,最低温度是5摄氏度,今天天气是晴天,风力为3-5级.天气越来越冷了,我希望各位同 谢谢收看天气预报英语怎么说 哲学题 天气预报是如何体现意识的本质的?现在,收看天气预报已经成为人们每天生活中不可缺少的一部分,伴随着气象预报对经济和社会生活的影响日益显著,气象经济应运而生.请运用哲学知 广州今晚到明天的天气预报有雨吗? 通过收看天气预报,能获得哪些信息 初一地理【关于天气】1.为什么要收看天气预报?2.为什么要天天收看天气预报呢?3.天气预报有哪些主要内容?4.如何根据卫星云图判别简单的天气情况? 【初一地理书里的58页:卫星云图】5.在 英语翻译中国欢迎您 的英文翻译! 英语翻译我写作文用的是写天气预报