do with和to do with的区别,suffer和suffer from的区别,add加to、up、up to的区别,gossip能不能当作闲谈,join和join in 的区别.然后每个词都造一个句子.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:03:22
do with和to do with的区别,suffer和suffer from的区别,add加to、up、up to的区别,gossip能不能当作闲谈,join和join in 的区别.然后每个词都造一个句子.
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do with和to do with的区别,suffer和suffer from的区别,add加to、up、up to的区别,gossip能不能当作闲谈,join和join in 的区别.然后每个词都造一个句子.
do with和to do with的区别,suffer和suffer from的区别,add加to、up、up to的区别,gossip能不能当作闲谈,join和join in 的区别.然后每个词都造一个句子.

do with和to do with的区别,suffer和suffer from的区别,add加to、up、up to的区别,gossip能不能当作闲谈,join和join in 的区别.然后每个词都造一个句子.
do with 一般是拿什么去做什么 ex: What can I do with this computer?
to do with 一般表示将来要做什么 ex: I don't know what to do with this computer.
suffer 只是单单表示遭受 ex: The company will suffer.
suffer from 后面是要表示suffer的原因 ex: The company will suffer from a shortage of money.
add to 增加 ex: We should add to the pile of documents.
add up 一般是总结类的,表示把所有东西加起来 ex: The secretary will add up all the sales income.
add up to 是所有东西加起来达到一个结果 ex: All the income will add up to a great revenu.
gossip 可以当作闲谈,也可以当作八卦一类,同时也可以用作名词 ex: The girls love to gossip.(verb) ex: They are talking about the latest gossip.
join 和 join in 基本上没有很大的区别.join in 稍微强调一下加入.ex: Would you like to join our club?ex: We're playing a game, do you want to join in? with 忍受;对付;与...相处
例:I can't do with his insolence.
What should I do with my army?
对于我的部队我该做些什么? do with 忍受;处理
例:Man had nothing to do with ...

全部展开 with 忍受;对付;与...相处
例:I can't do with his insolence.
What should I do with my army?
对于我的部队我该做些什么? do with 忍受;处理
例:Man had nothing to do with Him(God).
I have nothing to do with it.
3.suffer v. 遭受,经验,忍受
例:They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.
4.suffer from vt. 遭受(因...而蒙受损害)
例:All sector of the economy suffer from the fall in the exchange rate.
Do you suffer from headaches?
5.add to 增加;加入到
例:The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.
6.add up vt. 合计达(总而言之,加起来,合计)
例:These figures add up to fifty.
7.add up to 合计达,总括起来,意味着
例:同上 另意味着:all these factors add up to the sentence of my death.
8.gossip n. 闲聊,随笔 v. 说闲话 (但多表蜚语)
例:There has been much gossip in political circles.
9.join v. 参加,结合,加入
例:He joined us in the discussion yesterday.
10.join in 参加,加入
例:I'm aching to join in the game.
老夫依稀记得当年高中老师教过:”join参加大型组织、社团(如:参军);join in参加小型活动、团体(如:聚会)“
