
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 22:14:06
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reality/ / magnificent / / discovery/ / hospital/ /
2、 仿声记忆法(外来词的收集)
有一些单词在发音方面与汉语及其相似,当然大部分是音译词这一特点有助于记忆单词。例如:romance(浪漫史), logic(逻辑), typhoon(台风), international(英特纳雄耐尔), microphone(麦克风), copy(拷贝), cartoon(卡通), hamburger(汉堡包), salad(色拉), brandy(白兰地), whisky(威士忌), Moslem(穆斯林), sofa(沙发), cool(酷), pose(坡什), engine(引擎), motor(摩托), bar(巴), Canada(加拿大), laser(雷射), golf(高尔夫球),tofu(豆腐)……
需要注意的是,切不可利用汉字的发音去代替英语单词的读音, 这两种语言毕竟不是完全等同的。
3、 谐音记忆法
即利用英语单词的读音与汉语拼音相似的特点进行联系,想象记忆。如:conquer(征服)“攻克”;vacation(假期)“我开心”;fetch(取)“获取”; tomb(坟墓)“土墓” ;strange(奇怪的)“事真”;trainee(受训人)“捶你”;trainer(训练人)“捶哪”……
4、 幽默记忆法
在教lawyer一词时,我提醒学生不要读成“老爷”,学生们哄然大笑,很快就记住了这个单词。同样,我告诉学生不要将Moscow 读成“摸死狗”,也取得了同样的效果。学monkey时,我又补充了donkey和monk两词, 让学生 在幽默中记住了这三个词。
5、 典故和背景知识法
Kangroo——袋鼠,传说Cook船长航海到澳大利亚时,见到一种跳跃很高的动物从身边一跃而过,他赶紧问身边的导游,“What’s that?”导游没有看清,就说,“Kangroo”(澳大利亚土语的意思是“我不知道”),Cook船长误认为Kangroo就是袋鼠的名字,他在航海日记中记载了这种动物,后来Kangroo就真的就成了这种动物的英文名字。
6、 联想记忆法
 whole——用w去堵hole即变成“整个的”

 committee——两个m,两个t,两个e,可见人之多,即 委员会”
 Marry-----Mary在加上一个人“r”,不就可以“结婚”了吗?
 quiet——把quite 中的“e”移到里面不就“安静”了吗?
 Secretary----secret(秘密)+ary(人)即“秘书”
 professor一词难以记住 f和s 是一个还是两个,可联想一个教授(f)带两个学生(ss)。
 responsible一词难一记住是ible 还是able,既然负责任应用“ible”,因为上面有一 “点”责任
7、 分析构词法
 president——前缀pre(前)+sid(联想sit)+ent(人),“在前面就坐的人”即“总统”)
 international——前缀inter(相互)+nation(国家)+al(形容词后缀)=国际的
 dialogue——dia(对、双)+logue(语言)
 antidisestablishmentarianism 这个单词由28个字母组成,根据构词法可把该单词分成7部分,即 anti dis establish ment ar(y) ian ism
反对 否定 建立(词根) 名词后缀 形容词后缀 名词后缀 后缀(主义,流派)
其中,disestablish取消 ,disestablishmentarian主张废除国教制度的国教废除论者,综合得出antidisestablishmentarianism的词义为“19世纪英国主张保留英国教会作为英国官方教会的运动”。
8、 总结规律法
由car, cover, can(罐头盒), cave, cage, content, camp, circle, contain, close, catch, capture
由light, lamp, lantern, laser(雷射), look, level, line, long, ladder 等,可知以L开头的单
词大都与“光线,线,直”等有关。字母L 本身不就是“长度”与“光线”的象征吗?
9、 颠倒记忆法
(1)顺读逆读都相同。如:civic(城市的,公民的), nun(修女), peep(窥视), pup
(小狗), madam(女士), eve(除夕), level, deed, eye……
(2) 顺读逆读都有意义。:如:are-era(纪元), deer-reed(芦苇), door- rood(十字架)doom(命运)-mood, evil-live, not-ton, pan- nap, war- raw, was- saw, ten- net……
 tide-Time and tide wait for no man.(时不待人。)
 believe-To see is to believe.(百闻不如一见。)
 distant-A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.(海内存知己,天涯若比邻。)
 offer-I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, sweat and tears.---Churchill.(除了热血、辛劳、汗水和眼泪,我别无奉献-------邱吉尔)
 trust-Old wood is best to burn, old to drink,old friends to trust, and old authors to read.---Bacon.(烧火要烧老木头,喝酒要喝陈年酒,托事要托老朋友,读书要读老作家-------培根 )
 re-retell, reread, rewrite, redo, return, rebuilad……
 un-unable, unacceptable, unattrac
把写作分成Argument Text
Graphs and Tables
Discussion Essay
Process Text (这个我擅长)
第一段,第一句写hook,第二句写background,第三句写preview,第四句写theme.第二段,第一句topic+sub-topic,然后第二句讲解这个sub-topic,之后给个例子 第三句写另一个sub-topic,然后第四句讲解这个sub-topic,之后给个例子
Argument Text
Writer's position : It is unnecessary for a young person in china today to own a mobile phone.
At present,since most young people don't need to worry about clothes,find and study,they pay attention to getting cell phones.(这是hook也是background) However,as the development of cell phones continues ,more and more arguements can be heard about whether a young person needs a cell phones. (这是background)There is no doubt that owning a cell phone has good opoints for a young person. It makes a convenience to contact family and friends ,and is very useful in act emergency. At the same time , those young person who own cell phones can take photos to record events. (先说反面观点的合理性,再说自己的观点,上一句就是反面观点的合理性,下一句就是自己的观点即正面观点,也是preview)Nevertheless, cell phones not only are expensive and easily go out-of-date, but they also can annoy others in public places, and violate the privary and secnrity of others. (下一句是theme)Overall,it is unnecessary for a young person in china today to own a mobile phone.(注意关联词)
The major reason, accepted by most people , is that cell phones are too expensive and easily go out-of-date. (这是第一个分论点,注意开头,下面是讲解这个分论点,因为要求的不同,高考只要一句话讲解加个例子就好了,我这个是雅思的要求)Firstly, bing a relatively new social phenomenon , the attraction of cell phones to young people can be understood. This is due to the fact that lots of cell phones have new functions and high price . But, high price means that it cannot be accepted by most family . In addition,the cost of using cell phones is also a vital part of cost that most family can't support . Furthermore ,it is easily out-of-date and young people will want to buy a new one , which is not a must. Therefore, owning and using cell phones may be a big cost for a common family that they can't support.
Another harmful aspect is that it could annoy others in public places ,for example, class and meeting. (这是第二个分论点,注意开头,下面是讲解这个分论点,因为要求的不同,讲解高考只要一句话说明加个例子就好了,我这个是雅思的要求)On the one hand, it is undoubtedly extremely useful in an emergency, though the emergency is very rare. On the other hand , young people spend most time on class and can't keep their cell phones open. It must be a big shy that it rings on class while teachers are teaching students. Yet, if young person cannot allow cell phones work, it will become useless. Thus, young people do not need a cell phone. To forgive to buy cell phones is more easily than to always keep them close.
There is also a danger, for people who own cell phones. (这是第三个分论点,注意开头,下面是讲解这个分论点,因为要求的不同,高考只要一句话讲解加个例子就好了,所以整个第二部分可以写成一段,我这个是雅思的要求)People like to put their friends' and relatives' numbers to their cell phones. As a result, once their cell phones are lost and found by a bad person, their friends and relatives may be decevied and lost a large sum of money. Moreover, if the important me ages, which someone treats as secrets are found and daimed by others, the person must be very angry and shy. As a consequence, maybe a good friendship will be destoried, Hence,it is very dangerous for young people, if their cell phones are used to violate privacy and security of others.
Owning a mobile phones for a young person is a contraversial issue. Though it is convenient and useful, the negative effect a mobile phones have on a young person can't be overcome. It is still expensive .impolite and dangerous. Only when all bad effects are removed , mobile phone can be used by young person. Ultimately, what people can learn from this article is that owning mobile phones for young people is harmful , expensive and useless.
Writing Assessment—Discussion Text
Each family in china has at least one televinsion set because of the rapid growth of the family’s income since 1978. However, due to the popularity of TV, different views about it have gradually emerged. Some people believe that children need to watch television thanks to the positive effects such as widening their knowledge, giving them chances to watch events they like and contributing to family happiness, while others are against it owing to the violence, negative role models and advertisements television contains. There is an element of truth in both opinion, which this essay will discuss.
People who think that watching TV is good for children point out that watching television can make children understant the world and society better, and can help them acquire more knowledge which they can not find in the real world. Child may have interests in the animal world or space travel, but cannot gain information due to the limites imposed by the heavy school pressure. Watching Tvmay be a good way for children to search for those information they are interested in. At the same time, people can watch shows and events that they could not afford to go to. Most time of children is spent at school. At a result, they are not able to attend a number of shows and events they like. Television gives them a good choice to watch those shows and events. An additional reason is that it can add happiness the family. Parents can talk about the TV contents with their children and learn about their children’s thinkings. Only all members of the family get acquainted with each other better, can this family live in happiness. As a consequence, all the analysis justifies the importance of watching TV for children, and that children cannot grow up in healthy without television.
Others are strongly against it, saying that most television contents contain violence which can be learnt by children. This could have bad social effects and destroy those children's future. Another equally important reason reason is the negative role models. According to a survey, the average age of starting to smoke is becoming younger thanks to the influence of TV. Children cannot judge whether smoking or drinking are good or bad for them. Hence, they learn all the models including negative role models which may have a bad effect on their bodies and prospective development. In addition, many attractive and enticing advertisements appear on TV, which can influence children easily. Then, children may want to buy those products and ask their parents money, which could create family arguements. To conclude, children should say goodbye to TV until they can judge things clearly.
In conclusion, although there are some bad effects on children, including violence, negative role madels and attractive advertisements, it is not a good way to forbid children to watch TV. Children can gain a wider knowledge of the world by watching TV, and some shows and events they can not afford to go to. Besides, the most important part is that it can contribute to families’ happiness, which is very rare in modern society. Overall, whether television is good or bad for children, there are further-more subtle-views to consider.







英语怎么样才能突破60分啊,现在高三了, 上海高三英语现在期末只考了103分,怎么突破?最后的翻译只的了11分,我该怎么复习才能有效提高? 我现在高三了,英语成绩在50分左右,怎么样才可以提高. 我现在文科能考530分,怎么样才能突破580,平时也很努力,数学一般都是120,语文100,英语10,文综220 英语:高三英语如何突破长难句 英语:高三英语如何突破长难句 对于一个英语基础好差的高三学生来讲补习有用吗只懂得很少很少语法,高一和高二不怎么样听课,现在英语才70,80分,怎么样才能提高到100分以上 高三英语怎么加强?我是2011年的考生,现在高三了,别的功课都还可以,只有英语最拉分,每次只能考个70分左右,基础比较差,现在想抓紧时间突破,利用一年的时间将英语提高及格甚至100分以上,前 怎么样才能快速提高英语 高三了好像没希望了 我今年高三了,英语才110多分,怎么才能把英语提高到130啊. 北大突破英语怎么样 突破英语怎么样 高三英语120+求突破...现在120+...单选错5个左右,完形2个以内,阅读1-2个,改错3个以内.求突破到130+. 怎么样才能快速把英语补上来?我高三了外语我想补上去可就是找不到方法. 我高三的,请问英语怎么突破130啊?高手请帮忙解答. 如何对高三英语写作复习进行有效突破 英语到了六级后,怎么样突破?我现在的英语水平是:08年12月份考过CET-6,成绩是553分,09年5月份过了BEC中级,不过成绩只是个C.现在想突破英语,不知道怎样进行?有没有哪位大侠比较有经验有个详 高三了数学英语怎样学能考70分啊!