英语翻译The Families of Flowering Plants L.Watson and M.J.Dallwitz Gesneriaceae Dum.Including Cyrtandracaceae N.Jack,Didymocarpeae (Didymocarpaceae) D.Don,Ramondiaceae (Ramondaceae) Godr.& Gren.ex Godr.,Replicataceae Dulac Habit and leaf form.Her

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 19:39:48
英语翻译The Families of Flowering Plants L.Watson and M.J.Dallwitz Gesneriaceae Dum.Including Cyrtandracaceae N.Jack,Didymocarpeae (Didymocarpaceae) D.Don,Ramondiaceae (Ramondaceae) Godr.& Gren.ex Godr.,Replicataceae Dulac Habit and leaf form.Her
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英语翻译The Families of Flowering Plants L.Watson and M.J.Dallwitz Gesneriaceae Dum.Including Cyrtandracaceae N.Jack,Didymocarpeae (Didymocarpaceae) D.Don,Ramondiaceae (Ramondaceae) Godr.& Gren.ex Godr.,Replicataceae Dulac Habit and leaf form.Her
The Families of Flowering Plants
L.Watson and M.J.Dallwitz
Gesneriaceae Dum.
Including Cyrtandracaceae N.Jack,Didymocarpeae (Didymocarpaceae) D.Don,Ramondiaceae (Ramondaceae) Godr.& Gren.ex Godr.,Replicataceae Dulac
Habit and leaf form.Herbs (usually,sometimes slightly woody),or shrubs,or lianas (rarely); non-laticiferous and without coloured juice.‘Normal’ plants,or plants of very peculiar vegetative form (sometimes); sometimes remarkably neotenic (with spectacular reduction of the axis — e.g.Streptocarpus,where the plant has but one leaf which represents a cotyledon,the other cotyledon having atrophied early).Leaves well developed.Plants non-succulent.With a basal aggregation of leaves,or with neither basal nor terminal aggregations of leaves.Self supporting,or epiphytic (commonly),or climbing; climbers root climbers.Mesophytic.Heterophyllous (members of leaf pairs often very different in size),or not heterophyllous.Leaves opposite (usually),or alternate (rarely),or whorled (rarely); ‘herbaceous’,or leathery; petiolate; simple; epulvinate.Lamina entire (usually),or dissected; rarely pinnatifid; pinnately veined; cross-venulate.Leaves exstipulate.Lamina margins entire,or serrate,or dentate.Leaves without a persistent basal meristem.Domatia occurring in the family (Mitraria); manifested as pits.
Leaf anatomy.Stomata anisocytic (often very large).
Adaxial hypodermis present,or absent.Lamina dorsiventral; with secretory cavities (accompanying the xylem,in a few genera),or without secretory cavities.Secretory cavities when present,containing oil,or containing resin.The mesophyll with sclerencymatous idioblasts,or without sclerenchymatous idioblasts.Minor leaf veins without phloem transfer cells (Aeschynanthus,Isoloma,Mitraria).
Stem anatomy.Secretory cavities present (in a few genera),or absent; when present,with oil,or with resin.Cork cambium present; initially deep-seated,or superficial.Nodes unilacunar,or tri-lacunar,or penta-lacunar.Cortical bundles present (a single one,in the stem ridge of Rhynchoglossum obliquum),or absent.Medullary bundles present (e.g.Klugia,Monophyllaea,Rhynchoglossum).Secondary thickening developing from a conventional cambial ring.Xylem with fibre tracheids (Coronanthera),or without fibre tracheids; with libriform fibres,or without libriform fibres (Coronanthera); with vessels.Vessel end-walls simple.Wood partially storied (VPI,some Cyrtandra species),or not storied ); parenchyma paratracheal (or very sparse,or absent).
Reproductive type,pollination.Plants hermaphrodite,or monoecious (rarely).Pollination entomophilous,or ornithophilous,or cheiropterophilous.

英语翻译The Families of Flowering Plants L.Watson and M.J.Dallwitz Gesneriaceae Dum.Including Cyrtandracaceae N.Jack,Didymocarpeae (Didymocarpaceae) D.Don,Ramondiaceae (Ramondaceae) Godr.& Gren.ex Godr.,Replicataceae Dulac Habit and leaf form.Her
L.沃森和 M.J.Dallwitz
Gesneriaceae Dum.
包括 Cyrtandracaceae N.杰克,Didymocarpeae(Didymocarpaceae) D.着,Ramondiaceae(Ramondaceae) Godr.& Gren.ex Godr.,Replicataceae Dulac
习性和叶形式.药草 (通常,有时些微多树木),或矮树或藤蔓植物;(很少地) 非 laticiferous 和没有彩色的汁.'常态' 种植,或非常奇特有生长力的形式的植物;(有时) 有时显着地 neotenic(由于枢椎的公开展示减少 - 举例来说 Streptocarpus,哪里植物有但是表现一个子叶的一片叶,早被萎缩的另一个子叶有).留下很好地被发展.植物非多汁的.藉由一个树叶的基础群聚,或由于既不是基部的也不是树叶的终端机群聚.自己的支援,或附生植物的 (普遍),或攀登; 登杆器植根pe from prison 登杆器.Mesophytic.Heterophyllous(叶的成员时常成对非常不同的在大小方面),heterophyllous.树叶相对事物 (通常),或代理人 (很少地) 或轮生的;(很少地) '草本的',或皮似的; 有柄的; 简单的; epulvinate.薄板整个的 (通常),或解剖; 很少地 pinnatifid; pinnately 有脉纹的; 跨 venulate.树叶 exstipulate.薄板边缘整个的,或锯齿状的,或有齿的.没有一个固执的基础分裂组织留下.Domatia 在科 (Mitraria) 中发生; 显示了如坑.
生叶剖析.气孔 anisocytic.(时常非常大的)
近轴的下皮呈现,或缺席.薄板 dorsiventral; 藉由能分泌的洞 (陪伴木质部,在一些种类中),或没有能分泌的洞.能分泌的洞当呈现,包含油,或包含树脂.和 sclerencymatous idioblasts 的叶肉,或没有 sclerenchymatous idioblasts.没有韧皮部的较小的叶静脉转移细胞.(Aeschynanthus ,Isoloma,Mitraria)
阻止剖析.能分泌的洞呈现 (在一些种类中),或缺席; 当呈现,藉由油,或由于树脂.软木塞形成层礼物; 最初根深蒂固的,或表面的.节 unilacunar,或者三 lacunar 的,或者五角大楼-lacunar.外皮的捆呈现 (一一,在 Rhynchoglossum obliquum 的茎脊中),或缺席.骨髓的捆呈现.(举例来说 Klugia ,Monophyllaea,Rhynchoglossum) 中级的使厚从一个传统的 cambial 流环发展.和纤维管胞 (Coronanthera) 的木质部,或没有纤维管胞; 藉由 libriform 纤维,或没有 libriform 纤维 (Coronanthera); 藉由船.船结束-墙壁简单的.木材部份传说上有名的 (VPI,一些 Cyrtandra 种),传说上有名的 ); 主质 paratracheal.(或非常稀疏的,或缺席)
生殖的类型,授粉.植物具有两性者,或雄雌同株的.(很少地) 授粉虫媒的,或 ornithophilous,或 cheiropterophilous.


the member of families The trouble of families的中文意思? some of the families in china.families是复数表示泛指,为什么前面加 the? 英语翻译today,more than 50% of the nuclear families in the United States are two-earner families-both the father and the mother earn money for family-and in a few families the mother earns the money while the father takes care of house and the ch 英语翻译原句:That is why we persuade families not to lose sight of the advantages that come from a period of time 英语翻译Families have also experienced changes these years.Mor families consist of one parent households or two working parent;consequently,children are likely to have less supervision at home than was common in the traditional family structure.T 英语翻译NARRATIVE AND COLLABORATIVE PRACTICES IN WORK WITH FAMILIES THAT ARE HOMELESSThis article reports on the use of narrative therapy ideas and practices in working with families that are homeless in a shelter-based,multiple-family discussion 英语翻译75 Million American Families Count on Us Life is unpredictable.That's why American families turn to life insurance,annuities,long-term care and disability income insurance.Whether it's protection against the risk of premature death,outliv 1.The main idea of paragraph 1 is that instead of bringing American families closer together,television causes families ties to grow weaker2.In paragraph 2,the phrase multi-set families means families with several televisions3.Which of the following 英语翻译In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals,families,communities and the world at large? 英语翻译The number of single-parent families dependent on the state has risen enormously in recent years.有点长~帮个忙感激不尽~ 英语翻译The above cuts through the hull are sufficient for defining the shape,but another two families of cuts are usually added,to aid in the visualperception of the body.Buttocks are introduced in the profile plan,showing vertical,longitudinal 英语翻译Eventhough ulcer(溃疡)appear to run in families,lifestyle plays more of a role than genetic factor in causing the illness, 英语翻译At least seven families have retained the services of a DC area law firm and are considering filing wrongful death suits against Virginia Tech. 英语翻译翻译 when a government interacts with families for the protection,assistance and control of children,it does so through its legal processes. 汉语翻译Families are classified by the occupation of the head of the household 速求!英语短句改错.1.families are the one of the major carrier of culture 英语翻译Home Economists are concerned with the empowerment and wellbeing of individuals,families and communities,and of facilitating the development of attributes for lifelong learning for paid,unpaid and voluntary work; and living situations.Hom