
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 13:15:31
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i saw a spider i didn't scream.见到蜘蛛我不会尖叫
cuz i can belch the alphabet因为我可以一串儿打嗝同时喷出字母A-Z(利用打嗝儿的尾音发出字母...美国人认为这是一种非常粗俗的举动)
just double dog dare me.你看我敢不敢
and i chose guitar over ballet.比起跳芭蕾我更喜欢玩吉他
and i take these suckers down我比那些怂包们(大概指boys?)都强
cuz they just get in my way.因为他们实在是弱——爆——了——(意译)
the way you look at me你看我的眼神
is kinda like a little sister.像看着小妹妹
rubbed by your goodbyes.揉揉我的头然后说再见
and it leaves me nothing but blisters.留给我的只是伤痛
so i don't want to be one of the boys.所以我不想成为男孩中的一个
one of your guys.所谓的你的兄弟们
just give me a chance给我个机会
to prove to you im neither.证明我不是
i just wanna be one of the girls.我只是想被你当成一个真正的女孩
pretty in pearls.带着珍珠项链,被人称赞漂亮
not one of the boys.不是你的兄弟
so over summer something changed.夏天过去我已经改变了
i started reading 17我开始看少女杂志
and shaving my legs.开始刮腿毛
and i study the litter religously.开始努力研究怎么让自己变得整洁
and i walked right in school然后我走进学校
and caught you staring over me.看到你,正盯着我
cuz i know what you know.我知道你在想什么
but now your gonna have to take a number.但是现在追我得排队了
its ok.没关系
maybe one day.没准哪天你就成功了
but not until i get my diamond ring.我等着你向我求婚的那天
cuz i don't want to be one of the boys.我不想当你的什么兄弟
i just wanna be a homecoming queen我想当你的校园皇后
i wanna be a flower我想当花朵
not a dirty weed.不是脏兮兮的草根
and i wanna smell like roses我想身上有鲜花的味道
not a baseball team.而不是棒球队的汗臭味
and i swear maybe one day.我发誓肯定会有一天
your gonnna wanna make out make out make out with me我们会在一起做(你懂的)
(don't wanna be)不想当
don't want to be不想成为……
i just wanna be one of the girs.我只想当个女孩
so pretty in pearls和珍珠一样美丽