NASA is now going to put the telescope right.NASA____it.A is repairing B has already repairedC will be repairing D to repair ,选择正确答案,及分别说出每个答案为什么对与错

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 19:51:29
NASA is now going to put the telescope right.NASA____it.A is repairing B has already repairedC will be repairing D to repair ,选择正确答案,及分别说出每个答案为什么对与错
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NASA is now going to put the telescope right.NASA____it.A is repairing B has already repairedC will be repairing D to repair ,选择正确答案,及分别说出每个答案为什么对与错
NASA is now going to put the telescope right.NASA____it.A is repairing B has already repaired
C will be repairing D to repair ,选择正确答案,及分别说出每个答案为什么对与错

NASA is now going to put the telescope right.NASA____it.A is repairing B has already repairedC will be repairing D to repair ,选择正确答案,及分别说出每个答案为什么对与错
选C will be repairing是将来进行时,正确
A is repairing是现在进行时,第一句明明说是将来是事情,故错误
B has already repaired是现在完成时,动作还未发生,怎么就完成了呢?错误
D to repair这是个非谓语动词,不能充当谓语,错误

B B是现在完成时,说明已经修理好了
所以才有现在的正在把telescope put上去

C 这是将来进行时态的表示 。 前一句已经表明是将来时态。所以后一句的NASA 的动作还没有做,要用将来时态

put......right是“把……修好”。is now going to “正要修好”说明正在修,且还没修好,所以我觉得选A



NASA is now going to put the telescope right.NASA will be repairing it.翻译 NASA is now going to put the delescope right为什么要加now 加不加now 有什么区别. 请分析下面句子结构,it代指什麼?NASA is now going to put the telescope right ,so it will ——NASA is now going to put the telescope right ,so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to the Hubble. NASA is now going to put the telescope right.NASA____it.A is repairing B has already repairedC will be repairing D to repair ,选择正确答案,及分别说出每个答案为什么对与错 He is going to ______ now.(swim) The bus is going to(),now the bus is() repair可以用现在进行时表将来么新概念61课 习题第三题NASA is now going to put the telescope right.NASA___it .(C)A is repairing B has already repaired C will be repairing D to repair为什么选C?A怎么不可以?用现在进行 l ( )to school now A.going going going D. go he is going to come now的特殊疑问句形式 Now going to beijing by plane is cheap.改为同义句 Now ( ) ( ) beijing is cheap. -Where is Tom? -He ( ? ) to the library just now.A.goes B.went going My father is going to.Shanghai.Now he is at the 改错 It is going to rain .It is cloud now哪里错了 The baby is sleeping now .Her mother is going to turn down the radio是什么 Mary is going to school now.同义句 Mary is ________ _______ _______to school It is c____ now .I am sure it is going to rain. Danny is going to( ) off his hat now. A.take B.take to C. taking He is going to walk to the park() A.this evening B.every day