
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:36:12
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You have a pair of them what are parts of your body ,and you walk by them!


In this picture, a young man is spurting in the last leg, with a host of rivals desperately chasing him. He is approaching finishing line and trying to win the race. This title is bound to belong to h...


In this picture, a young man is spurting in the last leg, with a host of rivals desperately chasing him. He is approaching finishing line and trying to win the race. This title is bound to belong to him. However, a new starting point ahead of him excludes the possibility of his much anticipated celebration. A new round of race will begins where this one ends.This cartoon's suggestion is rooted in the increasingly fierce competition in the contemporary society. Facing intense competition, we must make sustained efforts to fulfill our objectives. Pre-mature celebration breeds complacency. The hot pursuit of further goals would suppress our hunger for celebration and relaxation. Furthermore, if wehave an urge to outperform our peers, we must sharpen our competitive edge through honing skills and capabilities.A marked example from the sports community of hard struggle is Liu Xiang, the Olympic gold medal winner in the 110-meter hurdles, our national hero who has broken a long-held world record. Despite that, he is driving his determined efforts to gain increasingly impressive performance in variouscontests. The 2008 Olympic championship is his next major target. We can conclude from the analysis of this picture that life is an endless series of beginnings and endings.[翻译.注解.片语]1.翻译在这幅图画中,一个小伙子正在做最后的冲刺,后面跟着一大群正拼命追赶他的竞赛对手。他正接近终点,为赢得比赛做最后一搏。冠军必将属于他。尽管如此,他满心期待的庆祝因一个崭新的起点而变得没有可能。这篇漫画的寓意扎根于竞争日趋激烈的当今社会。面对激烈的竞争,我们必须通过不懈的努力达到目标。过早的庆祝会导致自满情绪的产生。对进一步目标的竭力追求将会使我们克制庆祝放松的欲望。进一步说,如果我们有超过我们同辈人的强烈欲望,我们必须通过磨练自己的能力技术来提高自己的竞争力。我们的国家英雄,打破尘封多年的男子110米世界记录的而获冠军的刘翔,就是一个来自体育界的艰苦卓绝的好例子。尽管如此,他正全心地付出努力,以求在各种比赛中获得愈加精彩的表现。2008年奥运冠军是他的下一个重大目标。从这幅图画的分析中,我们可得出这样的结论:人生就是起点终点不断轮回的过程。2.注解<1>spurt(vi): (在赛跑比赛中)冲刺<2>the last leg: leg(n)-一个词义为旅程或赛跑比赛中的一段。参考范文中the last leg即表示比赛的最后一段距离。 Guangzhou was the last leg of "Incomparable to Jay Concert Live".-广州是“周杰伦-无与伦比演唱会”的最后一站。
