40. Here's your kitchen. I hope you enjoy cooking here. Is there______else that you need?A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D. Everything 选哪一个啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 08:57:44
40. Here's your kitchen. I hope you enjoy cooking here. Is there______else that you need?A. Something      B. Anything      C. Nothing        D. Everything 选哪一个啊
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40. Here's your kitchen. I hope you enjoy cooking here. Is there______else that you need?A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D. Everything 选哪一个啊
40. Here's your kitchen. I hope you enjoy cooking here. Is there______else that you need?
A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D. Everything

40. Here's your kitchen. I hope you enjoy cooking here. Is there______else that you need?A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D. Everything 选哪一个啊

B. Anything 疑问句中 any, anything.

b,something用于肯定句和语气委婉的句子,比如would like句型,anything用于疑问句中,noting意为没有东西,everything意为每件事答案是C哎好吧,没看翻译...根据句意,这儿是你的厨房,我希望你能享受烹饪,有其他你需要但这儿没有的东西吗。恩差不多是这个意思了,不好意思哈 没看题...其实是我的错,我看错了答案...


b,something用于肯定句和语气委婉的句子,比如would like句型,anything用于疑问句中,noting意为没有东西,everything意为每件事
