open up your heart and freet the world as it is.we can always joy and lover wherever our eyes land

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:03:35
open up your heart and freet the world as it is.we can always joy and lover wherever our eyes land
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open up your heart and freet the world as it is.we can always joy and lover wherever our eyes land
open up your heart and freet the world as it is.we can always joy and lover wherever our eyes land

open up your heart and freet the world as it is.we can always joy and lover wherever our eyes land

打开你的心扉感受真实的世界, 只要你目光到处你都可以发现快乐与爱

是不是open up your heart and feel the world as it is.we can always joy and love wherever our eyes land
敞开你的胸怀,感受世界原来的样子。 我们总是可以愉悦并爱上我们目光聚焦的所有一切。。