The play for half an hour by the timeThe play _____ for half an hour by the time we hurried to the theatre. As a result , we missed Act One.A.had been on B.had started

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:42:13
The play  for half an hour by the timeThe play _____ for half an hour by the time we hurried to the theatre. As a result , we missed Act One.A.had been on    B.had started
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The play for half an hour by the timeThe play _____ for half an hour by the time we hurried to the theatre. As a result , we missed Act One.A.had been on B.had started
The play for half an hour by the time
The play _____ for half an hour by the time we hurried to the theatre. As a result , we missed Act One.
A.had been on B.had started

The play for half an hour by the timeThe play _____ for half an hour by the time we hurried to the theatre. As a result , we missed Act One.A.had been on B.had started
选A.start 是短暂性动作,不可单独用于完成时态,been on 表示动作还在持续,miss ACT One,后面还有act two.



The play for half an hour by the timeThe play _____ for half an hour by the time we hurried to the theatre. As a result , we missed Act One.A.had been on B.had started 初中英语试题After school we usually play ____basketball for half an hour on ___palyground.a.the;the b./;/ c./;the d.the;/特别是后一个空,要详解 I play basketball on Sundays I play football once a week 怎么提问 I play it for half an hour After school we usually play basketball for half an hour on (the) playgroud.为什么填the 是play for NBA还是play for an NBA,还是a,还是play for the NBA The johns stayed in HeFei ( ).A.for half a year B.half a year ago They spent ()the time looking for a parking space.A.a half B.half C.the half D.the half of The meeting lasted for ( ) and half a hour and half hour and a half hours and the half hour 3题简单英语单项选择1.Hurry up! The play _______ for ten minutes. A.had begun on C.has been on D.has begun2.The boy has watched TV for _______. A.Two and half hour B.Two and half hours and half hour D. i paid ()for the new pen A half pound The film lasted for two and a half hours.同义句The film lasted for two ______ _________ a half . The plane took off ()half an half B.after D.for 请告诉我原因:为什么选D ,不选 A,谢谢By the time we got to the theater, the play ___ for half an hour.A: had begun B: has begun C: has been on D: had been on The films lasts for two hours and a half The ( )of the films ( )two hours and a half 改为同一句The films lasts for two hours and a half=The ( )of the films ( )two hours and a half He has been here for and a half monthHe has been here for and a half and the half and a half and a half of month he usually does __________in the morning.A.half an hour sportB.half an hour of sportC.for half an hour sportD.half hour sport A boy named Ding Wei kicked a goal early________of the the one half the first half C.for the first half D.for half one为什么选B 求理由 A boy named Ding Wei kiched a goalearly___of the the one the first halfc.for the first half d.for half one