
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 22:45:19
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I sat in the road launched on the road my business will be opened I sat in the road,launched on the road my business will be opened in either male or whether the female is old man and young girls to shoeshine shoeshine you say that light does not shine arms swing (then) two brown shoe polish 51 pairs of black shoe polish white shoe polish everything to the shoeshine shoeshine you said the light does not shine Chouchou East looked to the West is not a man child I boast I played the waist mentioned gas I money Laobaigan eight point of the Communist Party to the iron rice bowl I eat a bowl of Sheng bowl mix the units off the board and shut the door does not open rates (his mother) under the glorious Kong returned home with no money children spend onto the street,shoes rub cold heat are not afraid not afraid to suffer tired not afraid hungry to earn two money smiling wife and kids mixed with porridge to drink everyone to the shoeshine shoeshine you say light does not shine and swing arms (then) two 51 pairs of black shoe polish,white shoe polish brown shoe polish everything to the shoeshine shoeshine you said the light does not shine the the Shandong Hukuang South to the North to Siping of Jilin then Tonghua Yanbian Figure 'Baicheng,Changchun Heilongjiang Yonghong the Jiamusi,Harbin,Daqing,Yingkou,Liaoning,Shenyang,Dandong,Benxi,Liaoyang,Fushun,Jinzhou,Dalian Haicheng Anshan,Tianjin,Hohhot,Beijing,Chongqing,Shanxi,Fujian,Shenzhen,Macao and Taiwan,Hubei,Hainan,Guangxi and Ningxia Sichuan,Tibet,Xinjiang's reunification in 1997 France,the United Kingdom,the United States,Japan,Malaysia,Korea,Hong Kong,Vietnam,the Soviet Union,Tanzania and Laos,Romania,Congo,India,Mongolia,Yugoslavia and Peru everyone to polish shoes rub shoes,you said the light does not shine swing arms (then) two 51 pairs of black shoe polish,white shoe polish brown shoe polish everything we have come to the shoeshine shoeshine you say the flood of light does not shine a soldier standing guard guard the frontier defense of the motherland the bridgehead junction charges of collection of the rescue earthquake relief donations court of public security of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Attorney united front of industry and commerce tax,transport aviation railway track down the company's mining enterprises of the mall waiting list to carry the gun hurt retreated to the second-tier blessing to enjoy the supply of the food they sell meat of garden green health and sports and cultural post offices and telecommunications (then) the pipe off of the water supply of urban management unit freight supply of family planning hospital in charge of money specifically to deal with ligation wearing a ring to the shoeshine shoeshine shoeshine you said you said the light does not shine and swing arms (then) two (100) 51 pairs of black shoe polish,white shoe polish brown shoe polish everything we have come to the shoeshine light does not shine the decor of the hotel Hotel inn hardware appliances (the acquisition of a fortune-teller) repair welding pedicure shaved the side of the road monkey pumping paste the palm of Maihua rental booth to play the paging cart squatting on the market stall selling single selling vegetables to sell rice to sell tables and chairs coffee table liquor sale of cigarettes to sell crabs,prawns seafood to sell oil to sell vinegar sell pepper aniseed flavoring of selling sugar selling tea selling pancakes fruit cannabis flower of the fish to sell orange apple pear sell dogs sell bird head,feet,the sale of water trotter of selling tea to sell chicken eggs,grain and oil shop selling side of the shoe selling cloth to sell knitwear and knitted wool selling gloves sell sheets selling suits to sell shirts to sell books sold newspapers cures sexually transmitted diseases advertising to sell tortoise sell deer cast God oil hard day impotence Zaoxie the period allowed to the difference between a half months,we all shoeshine shoeshine said brighter not bright arms swing (1) two (one hundred) 51 pairs of black shoe polish,white shoe polish brown shoe polish have to rub the skin shoes shoeshine you said the light does not shine working hard to pack a sweeping health of the storyteller,singing the magic acrobat,martial arts boxing manufacture of aircraft and ships oil,coal,specializing in missile archaeological expedition shit spilled urine the promotion of the whole tube of laid-off investment in enterprises in the collapse of fortune take illegal drug smuggling by nowhere suffocating mahjong table on the fraud and the car's fuel Bush's war of aggression,flying planes into buildings should pay attention to this bin Laden butcher the sheep to the sub-skin sericulture farming by the wall,pointing to raise to make money in the Han to the shoeshine shoeshine you say the light is not bright arms swing (then) two (one hundred) 51 pairs of black shoe polish,white shoe polish brown shoe polish everything to the shoeshine shoeshine light does not shine the door the tickets took the tickets to find the number of young elderly according to the order sit a good listen to the words of the Man have an expert look at the heard of the drama started listening to laugh love to play pro scolded pretty speak of Laoke of the love sister led the love brother to visit relatives and friends to look left to hold encourage emotional melon seeds of the children selling drinks poured tea applause to join in the applause of everyone to the shoeshine shoeshine light does not shine

Corruption, bribery, squatting on the prison suffers. Ah
At large, drink a bit, those shit is not bragging forced.
Proficient, be poor, and trafficking in women and children.
The guard of ...


Corruption, bribery, squatting on the prison suffers. Ah
At large, drink a bit, those shit is not bragging forced.
Proficient, be poor, and trafficking in women and children.
The guard of the front of his mother, eat and drink bar live free.
Sauna, foot bath, his mother ran the renowned police.
Prostitution, prostitution, divorce took Madeleine to play.
Believe in God, and his mother believe in ghosts, Hao believers letter Falun the
A knife, his mother gun, criminal gangs, the poor to help.
Song, flowers, hugged Miss touch niu.
Open room, and his mother go to bed. The dry to the climax Jiaoniang of.
Screaming, and want to spend, said a man dry.
Thousands of red million. Renowned bitch wanted to do.
I do not dry, everyone shoeshine shoeshine, you said the light does not shine?
Selling vegetables, selling rice to sell tables and chairs coffee table.
Buy sugar, buy tea, selling pancakes juice cannabis.
Buy pots, buy a bowl, photography management to sell the film.
Buy chicken, buy tea eggs, grain and oil shop to buy noodle.
Buy, buy sheets, pants suit and tie old man hair.
Books, selling newspapers, and transferred to VD advertising.
Buy a tortoise, the buy side of the road, feeling the oil for hard day.
Impotence, premature ejaculation, menstrual ho allowed to the poor half.
Everyone to the shoeshine shoeshine, you said the light does not shine?
Datun girl nice to see!
The chest Chuaizhuo two bombs,
More look at me and his mother love more worry,
Ah see of me is more like to watch.
Watching it to the shop.
We take a turn in the nightclub.
Stepped forward to grasp the hands of her sister's ah,
I do not know more than the money you go with the brother,
Go with the brother you is not walked in vain,
Ah man to lead you to drink.
Drink we are talking about the file type.
Drink to drink Chivas.
You a, I a
Drunk we fight the walk,
As long as the little sister she is willing to
Do you want to take a look at a few places to take a look at a few places,
As long as the tip to put in place,
What she would live flowers,
Splits, splits, and what the old tree packing to hang pull!
Before backpacks, backpack, across the bottom inside dig!
Soviet Red Army anti-railway,
Japanese devils fight foreign guns.
Closed the window and closed the door.
Dry child Moderator.
Everyone to the shoeshine shoeshine, you said the light does not shine?

Hong Kong and Macau are back

Backward in the Taiwan piece of treasure

Lee Teng-hui his mother bragging to force

In Taiwan to engage in independent

Yankees more is not something

He gave Taiwan to the atmosphere

Sold to artillery and aircraft

Originally, his mother the old machine

Zhu Rongji, a good prime minister

Who Wants to independent does not allow

Lee Teng-hui reload than

Trouble his ass grass

Everyone to the shoeshine shoeshine

You say that light does not shine?


Corruption, bribery, have suffered in prison. AhThe fugitive, a bit, that shit is not bullshit.Brush money, poverty, and trafficking of women and children.In front of the guard, fuck, eat a live free....


Corruption, bribery, have suffered in prison. AhThe fugitive, a bit, that shit is not bullshit.Brush money, poverty, and trafficking of women and children.In front of the guard, fuck, eat a live free.There is a sauna, foot bath, his mother saw the police run.Prostitution, prostitution, that led the small duckweed of divorce.God, fucking believe in ghosts, Hao believers, the letter of the law.Knife, his mother that gun crime gangs, poor.There is a song, kiss, hug miss my touch.Open house, his mother went to bed. The stem to a climax that mother.Screaming, and want to spend, say a buddy to do three.One hundred thousand, drawing millions of. See girls want to do.I don't do it, everybody shoeshine shoeshine, you say do not shine?Sell food, sell rice, sell tables and chairs coffee table.Buy sugar, and to buy tea, selling pancake fruit twist.Buy buy basin, bowl, those who sell film photo management.Buy chicken, buy tea eggs, grain and oil store vermicelli.Buy the underpants, buy sheets, suit and tie the old hair.Buy a book, newspaper, to venereal advertisement hair.Buy buy bastard, roadside, touch God oil hard day.Impotence, premature ejaculation, Ho menstruation are not allowed to half a month.Everybody shoeshine shoeshine, you say do not shine?The girl looks so great!Chest held two bomb,The more I fucking love it more,Ah look more I love to look more,Look at look at the store,The club around,Pulled up my sister's hand,Don't know much you brother go,With brother walk you not walk white,Oh man, you go for a drink,Drink we speak file type,To drink when chivas,Your one mouthful, my mouth,We did go drunk,As long as the sister she would,You want to see a few places at several places,As long as the tip in place,What flower of life she will,There are big splits, small splits, what to an old packing!Ago backpack, backpack, after through the ass to out!The Soviet Red Army of railway,Japs fight foreign guns,Shut the window shut the door,Do children host.Everybody shoeshine shoeshine, you say do not shine?Hongkong Macao regressionHe sent the treasure of TaiwanLi Denghui fucking bullshitHe was involved with the Taiwan independenceThe United States more than anything.He gave Taiwan to the atmosphereSold to artillery and aircraftOriginally all fucking old machinesPremier Zhu RongjiWho want independence is not allowedLi Denghui if charge ratioWe make him a donkey.We have to polish shoes, leather shoesYou said do not shine?
