shoe ,to ,wear ,sports,have ,gym ,you ,class ,have ,for 连词成句紧急THANKS

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:52:06
shoe ,to ,wear ,sports,have ,gym ,you ,class ,have ,for 连词成句紧急THANKS
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shoe ,to ,wear ,sports,have ,gym ,you ,class ,have ,for 连词成句紧急THANKS
shoe ,to ,wear ,sports,have ,gym ,you ,class ,have ,for 连词成句

shoe ,to ,wear ,sports,have ,gym ,you ,class ,have ,for 连词成句紧急THANKS
You have to wear sports shoes for gym class.

if the shoe fits,wear if the shoe fits wear if the shoe fits wear shoe ,to ,wear ,sports,have ,gym ,you ,class ,have ,for 连词成句紧急THANKS Shoe of this kind wear very comfortable什么意思,为什么用wear! 1、which is the way to the ________?A、shoe factory B、shoes factory C、shoe's factory D、shoes' factory2、She doesn't like to ____a black dressA、wear B、put on C、dress D、put in3、The pupulation of the world in 20th century became very Someone wants to be a doctor.Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at spor role play 对话剧本situation1:student A:you are the sales manager of Guangdong Buyun shoe store.In recent years,Americans stared to wearbuxie,which is really or Chinese cloth shoe.Your shoes have become very popular in the U.S.and Canada.You hav 初一英语 改错题(其实我英语还不错)1、You (have to) (wear) (an) (uniform).2、(How much) (are) the (sport) (shoe)?3、(It‘s) dark. I (must) (go) (home).4、(Must) she (have to) (stay) (at home)?5、The students (have to) (wear) ( One of the runners__(wear) black shoe.怎么添,需要原因 which is the way to the____(shoe) factory?答案是 shoe factory 为什么不是shoe's factory? 给详细解答 lm going to the shoe store.对the shoe store提问 what to wear和how to wear的区别 what to wear的中文 求一段英语对话!Making Complaints (2 Students)IN A SHOE SHOP:CUSTOMER:You buy a pair of shoes in a shop and decide to wear them immediately.Before you finish shopping,a heel (鞋跟) falls off one of the shoes.Return to the shop and complain to I want to buy a pair of shoe.咋改? shoe a map of the town to her friends to,the,next,it,is,shoe,store,[.] 连词成句