圈出下列句子的错误之处 并在题后横线上改正I am read a storybook.Mary like reading very much.They will doing homework tonight.We are go to see a film tomorrow.Yesterday I play football with my friends.Let me to tell you the story.I

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:44:30
圈出下列句子的错误之处 并在题后横线上改正I am read a storybook.Mary like reading very much.They will doing homework tonight.We are go to see a film tomorrow.Yesterday I play football with my friends.Let me to tell you the story.I
xU[OA+Qv& TQ :+ݝfwK+Uri܌_Lg}/xfvx(mJJvofwfB&G |k..;; ~Ǘs>3w졳UQPaO[t)^mqETZ\|d߻F.Ffy֩] ~/Zk㷢OIaQI >s2|mqrN::tW4Nii^6ݝxGr0/i$BhjUYK%1EQ(x@<-xR b;Q_xD4KQ@"x x Gwg.lɈcBLUJFd

圈出下列句子的错误之处 并在题后横线上改正I am read a storybook.Mary like reading very much.They will doing homework tonight.We are go to see a film tomorrow.Yesterday I play football with my friends.Let me to tell you the story.I
圈出下列句子的错误之处 并在题后横线上改正
I am read a storybook.
Mary like reading very much.
They will doing homework tonight.
We are go to see a film tomorrow.
Yesterday I play football with my friends.
Let me to tell you the story.
I am live in Beijing.
Tony and Mary is going to have a picnic.
Jenny can singsing many songs.
She get up early every day.

圈出下列句子的错误之处 并在题后横线上改正I am read a storybook.Mary like reading very much.They will doing homework tonight.We are go to see a film tomorrow.Yesterday I play football with my friends.Let me to tell you the story.I
I am READING a storybook.
Mary LIKES reading very much.
They will DO homework tonight.
We are GOING to see a film tomorrow.
Yesterday I PLAYED football with my friends.
Let me (去掉 to) tell you the story.
I (去掉 am) live in Beijing.
Tony and Mary ARE going to have a picnic.
Jenny can SING many songs.
She GETS up early every day.


I am read a storybook.
Mary like reading very much.
They will doing homework tonight.
We are go to see a film tomorrow.<...


I am read a storybook.
Mary like reading very much.
They will doing homework tonight.
We are go to see a film tomorrow.
Yesterday I play football with my friends.
Let me to tell you the story.
I am live in Beijing.
删除am 或者将live改为living
Tony and Mary is going to have a picnic.
Jenny can singsing many songs.
She get up early every day.


1.read--reading ,2.like--likes 3.doing--do 4.go--going ,5.play--played 6.to 去掉 7.去掉am 或 live--living 8.is--are 9.singsing--sing 10.get--gets 保证 正确 !望采纳 !谢谢!

圈出下列句子的错误之处 并在题后横线上改正I am read a storybook.Mary like reading very much.They will doing homework tonight.We are go to see a film tomorrow.Yesterday I play football with my friends.Let me to tell you the story.I 画出句子中的错误并改在横线上 圈出下列句子中错误的地方,并在横线上改正过来.Sandy like to ride a bike.They going to the Fun Fair,Bobo's birthday si on July fourteen.We like eat cotton candy. 圈出下面句子中的错误,并把改正后正确的句子写在横线上.jim want to diink lemona 找出下面句子错误的选项,并改在横线上 判断句子对错,错误的改在横线上 找出句子中错误选项填入括号内,并在题后横线上改正 圈出句子中错误的单词并将正确的句子抄在横线上.When is Teacher 's Day?________________when is Women ' s Day ___________________My aunt birthday is Angust 20th._____________________Who have an English book?______________________Doe 将下列句子中错误选项的序号填在提前的括号内,并将正确答案写在横线上. 选出句子中有错误的一项,并在横线上改正.第四小题 选出句子中有错误的一项,并在横线上改正.第四小题 下列每个句子都有一处错误,请找出来并在横线上改正1.Fifty ye 将下列句子中错误选项的序号填在题前的括号里,并将正确答案写在横线上 有错即改(圈出并在横线上改正,句子正确的在横线上打√)Look!He is jumpping in front of the room.______Listen to them.They helping the baby now.______What are your mother doing?she's go boating.______Where are the farmers worki 划出下列句子的的错误之处,并改过来.Both of they are from Canada. My birthday is in March 25th. ( ) A B C 找出下列句子中错误的地方,并在横线上改正. 将下列句中错误处的序号填入题前括号里,并在后面的横线上改正. 英语高手进:改错,将下列句子(看补充)的错误代号填写在( )中,并在横线上把错误的改过来My mother are making the bed.( )____(A) (B) (C)I is baking a cake ( )____A B cPeter is swming now.( )_____A B CThe dog is