
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:54:42
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Being a volunteer is great
To make Guiyang a clean,national model city,we should try to do something.At present,more and more people become volunteers.
And as for a student,we should be a volunteer,too.First of all,we should pick up the rubbish into dustins(垃圾桶).Also,we should use polite languages.And we should notice people that they are not allowed to spit in public,and we can't waste our energy anymore.We should stop those who break rules,even ther may be our friends or relatives.
And in this way,we will make Guiyang a better place to live in.And it would be very nice if most of us could be volunteers!
What Can We Do to Make Guiyang A Better City?
To make Guiyang a clean,national model city,we should try to do the following things.
We should throw our daily rubbish into dustins instead of littering around.On the other hand,we should use polite languages.We shouldn't spit everywhere and talk loudly in public places.We should obey traffic rules.We should also stop those who break rules,even they may be our friends or relatives.
If everyone of us actively take part in this activity,we will make Guiyang a better place to live in!

三创一办作文英语我们要写啊,我英语水平不好,写不出来啊,各位大哥大姐, 求一篇感恩父母的英语作文,不要叙述文,要议论文,字数在120左右.因为我英语水平有限啊.写不出来英语作文啊~ 我想提高英语水平首先声明:无意者别来捣乱.但因为长期对英语的不理会,现在英语水平烂的只认识几个简单单词,我现在急呀,我现在只想这写作文,该怎么办? 怎样提高英语水平的英语作文要英语作文我没分就算帮个忙再次致谢 一篇关于自我保护的英语作文,120字左右我英语水平有限 以“我的家乡(桂林)”为题的英语作文初一英语水平,带翻译 求英语作文《怎样提高我的英语水平?》一级水平,六七十字,题目就叫《怎样提高我的英语水平》谢谢啦! 我想要提高英语水平用英语怎么说? 英语“我的英语水平退步了”怎么说? 我的英语水平很低翻译成英语 我需要介绍英国伦敦首都的英语作文,不过要把六年级英语水平和初一的英语水平都写出来写一个也行 英语作文 关于天津天气 80词关于天津天气 天津的景点 要求不高于初二英语水平 请问能否帮助我修改这篇英语作文由于我自己英语水平有限,写出来后不知道自己的语法,用词之类的对不对,所以需要求助! 小孩的英语成绩不够好,我自己的英语水平又不高,怎么来提高小孩的英语呢 请高手帮我改一篇有趣的英语对话我们期末口语考试,我和同学做一个对话,我们自己写的稿子,但我们英语水平不好,写的不好,所以想请高手帮我们修改一下,大意不变,把里面的一些不通顺的句 我很想自学英语,不知道有什么好的方法可以帮我快速提高英语水平? 她经常为我们唱歌用英语怎么说?我写一篇英语作文作文叫做《我的英语老师》,可是我不知道这就话怎么用英语说、写, 有没有关于春节的的英语作文,希望知情者回答~^o^~关于春节的英语作文,最好在公共场合!本人英语水平不高,