
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:13:42
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Mike is the man of the school,as a basketball player,he had received a scholarship can directly send the university,but in order,and his girlfriend Scarlett together,he gave up this opportunity.
25年过后,已经成为一名中年男子的迈克一事无成.25 years later,has become a middle-aged man Mike nowhere.他和妻子斯嘉丽分了手,与孩子们之间也很少共同语言,至于自己在药物公司的工作更是无聊透顶.He and his wife,Scarlett parted with very little between the children a common language,As for his own work in the drug companies is downright boring.沮丧的迈克重新回到高中学校,追忆自己曾经的辉煌.Mike frustration back to high school,remembered his former glory.在那里他遇到了一个看门人,两人聊天时,迈克向其倾诉了自己想重回17岁的渴望,如果一切重来,他不再放弃奖学金和进修的机会,那么人生将会非常不同.Where he met a janitor,two chatting,Mike talk to their wish to go back to its 17-year-old desire,if everything goes again,he will no longer give scholarships and learning opportunities,then life would be very different.
从学校回来的路上,迈克无意中发现那个神秘的看门人正准备跳河.Way back from school,Mike accidentally discovered that the mysterious janitor who is preparing to jumping into a river.吃惊的迈克赶紧跳下车去救他,没想到看门人突然消失不见,倒是奔跑太快的迈克冲进了河里,并就此奇迹般的变成了17岁时的样子.Surprise,Mike quickly jumped out to try to rescue him,and did not expect janitor suddenly disappear,but added Mike broke into a fast running river,and this miraculously turned into 17 years of age look.
此后迈克在朋友的帮助下重回高中上学,他有许多困难需要解决,比如跟自己不知情的儿女做校友.Since then Mike the help of friends back in high school,he had many difficulties to be resolved,such as with their own sons and daughters do not know alumni.而就是在学校里的一系列遭遇,让迈克懂得了其实己当初选择的就是最完美的生活,只不过自己一点都不知道珍惜.And indeed it is a series of experiences in school,so Mike had learned that in fact the original choice is the most perfect life,but do not know their own little treasure.如今悔过了的他最要紧的就是恢复原本的模样,重新去赢回妻子和孩子…… Today,his repentance of the most important thing is to restore the original appearance and re-go to win back his wife and children ......