给下列句子排列:A.Is it under the desk?B.No,it ist't.C.Excuse me Where is my dictionary还有在下面D.Yes ,it is .Theank you.E.Sorry ,I don't know .It is on the chair.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:05:28
给下列句子排列:A.Is it under the desk?B.No,it ist't.C.Excuse me Where is my dictionary还有在下面D.Yes ,it is .Theank you.E.Sorry ,I don't know .It is on the chair.
x){{O;?_tg}l+G=bҼ"Tl{'=|pfqzkEriqBnBxFjQ*P\!R!%3$3?/t>h˹\"S (d&e+TU*x*穗(d+yYgTOW7- lfpmvTsp\\~).H̳zAMڱY `0(NEr,!

给下列句子排列:A.Is it under the desk?B.No,it ist't.C.Excuse me Where is my dictionary还有在下面D.Yes ,it is .Theank you.E.Sorry ,I don't know .It is on the chair.
给下列句子排列:A.Is it under the desk?B.No,it ist't.C.Excuse me Where is my dictionary还有在下面
D.Yes ,it is .Theank you.E.Sorry ,I don't know .It is on the chair.

给下列句子排列:A.Is it under the desk?B.No,it ist't.C.Excuse me Where is my dictionary还有在下面D.Yes ,it is .Theank you.E.Sorry ,I don't know .It is on the chair.
.C.A .B.

Excuse me !Where is my dictionary?
Sorry ,I don't know
Is it under the desk?
No,it ist't.
It is on the chair.
Yes ,it is .Theank you

给下列句子排列:A.Is it under the desk?B.No,it ist't.C.Excuse me Where is my dictionary还有在下面D.Yes ,it is .Theank you.E.Sorry ,I don't know .It is on the chair. 给下列句子排序!看图阅读下面各句,联系所给情景,排列句子顺序.1.A.OK,what time is it,Mum?B.What’s the weather like today?C.It’s half past seven.It’s too late!D.It’s sunny.E.Get up,David.--------------------------------- 给下列句子排列写序号 将下列单词重新排列,组成完整的句子!it is that time of year again 给下列句子排列,组成一段对话1 But where is mine?I can’t find it.2 No,it isn't.3 Excuse me.Is this your book?4 Is it on the desk?5 Is it in your schoolbag?6 Yes,it is.Thank you.7 Oh,yes,I find it! 把下列句子变成复数形式.It is a map. 把下列句子变成复数形式.Is it a thriller? 把下列句子变成复数形式.It is a photo. 排列下列单词,使之成为通顺的句子(is) (there)(cinema)(a)(here)(.) 将it,easy,is,not,to,good,a,present,give.重新排列,组成一个句子 将下列句子重新排列,使其变为一段完整的对话A It is a computer.B No,it isn't.C Excuse me .D How do you spell it E My computer is red.F What color is it?G COMPUTER.H What's this in Engish?I It's blue.J Is it your computer?H那个H 是 重新排列下列句子的顺序,使其成为一段完整的对话.A.How do you spell it?B.No,it isn’t my ruler.C.Excuse me!What’s this in English?D.What color is it?E.Is that your ruler?F.It’s a ruler.G.Is that his ruler?H.Yes,it is.I.It’s 把下列单词重新排列,组成正确的句子:it's,is,he,what,when,doing,raining A.The teacher must have good grades ,be good with children and be outging 给下列句子重新排列B.It says English Center needs a weekend teacherC.Well,Mary is smarter ,but James loves children and he's outgoing.D.Do you think who should get the 排列下列句子的顺序!A.Excuse me.Is this a bus?B.Thanks.Goodbye!C.What's this in English?D.O-R-A-N-G-E,orange.E.No,it isn't.F.It's a car.G.How do you spell orange?H.Is it a chinese car?I.Yes.And it's an orange car.J.Goodbye. 排列句子 1.Green,it,down,is,Streen,the,on,left 2.there,is,a,next,pay,library,phone,to _____ man unde the tree is an American.A.The B.A C.An D./ 给下列句子重新排序.A; what color is it.B;no,it isnt .my ruler is yellow .C; 5296403.D; yes,it is .his ruler is red.please call Tom .E;is ie Yom is ruler?F:is that your ruler in the lost and found case?G what is his telephone number?H;it is r