
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/08/01 05:46:32
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Ⅰ. 教材回眸
◆ 知识要点回顾 ◆
1 . Could you … ? (你 / 你们……好吗?)句型多用来表示请求,这里的 could 比 can 语气更加委婉、客气和有礼貌,肯定回答多为:OK / All right ! / Certainly ! / Of course . 否定回答常是:Sorry , I / we can’t . (不用couldn’t ).如:
—Could you lend me your dictionary ?
—Of course .
2 . one 不仅可用作基数词表“一”之意,也能用作代词替代前面所提可数名词中的“一个”或代指“任何人”.例:
1 ) One and two is three . 一加二等于三.
2 ) I don’t have pens . Please give one to me . 我没有钢笔,请给我一支.
3 ) One must love one’s country . 任何人都必须爱国.
3 . You’re welcome . 用来回答对方的感谢时,相当于That’s OK . / that’s all right . / Not at all ..如:
—Thank you very much .
— You’re welcome .
4 . too 这个副词作“太”讲时通常修饰形容词或副词(放在其前);作“也”讲时多位于句尾(其前用逗号隔开).例:
1)Your bag is too big . 你的包太大.
2)Your bag is big , too .你的包也大.
5 . 当名词前有定冠词、指示代词和物主代词修饰时,all 习惯上放在这些限定词之前.例:all my books(我所有的书).
6 . the other 通常表示两者(部分)中的“另外那个(些)”,而不带定冠词的 other 多用来泛指“另一些”.试比较:
1 ) The twins are English . One is Lucy , the other is Lily . 这对双胞胎是英国人,一个叫露西,另一个叫莉莉.
2 ) I have many friends . Some are teachers , others are police men . 我有很多朋友,一些是教师,另一些是警察.
7 . socks , shoes , trousers , glasses(眼镜)等表示两部分构成的整体东西的名词习惯上用复数形式,如果指“一双(副)”,应用a pair of 短语修饰.例:
a pair of socks(一双短袜),a pair of glasses(一副眼镜)等.
A pair of shoes is under the bed .
8 . 当询问“某人(物)怎么啦?”时,句型常用 What’s wrong with … ? 这里的疑问词 what 不可受汉语的影响误用 how .例:
—What’s wrong with your kite ? 你的风筝怎么啦?
—It’s broken .它坏了.
9 . worry 作及物动词用时其后习惯上只接人作宾语,意为“使……担心”;worry 用作不及物动词其后能接人或物作宾语,但必须用介词 about ,意为“担心……”.例:
1 ) These apples worry me . 这些苹果使我担心.
2 ) Don’t worry about my lessons . 别担心我的功课.
10 . tea , milk , bread , water , meat , rice 等物质名词均为不可数名词,此类名词无复数形式,其前不可用不定冠词、基数词、指示代词等直接修饰,若表示它们的数量,其前必须加“计量名词 + of ”短语.例:a bottle of orange(一瓶桔汁),two cups of tea(两杯茶).
但是常可以用:two cups of tea = two teas 两杯茶
11 . It’s time … 句型后接名词或代词时要用 for(介词),后接动词必须用 to(不定式符号),这里的主语 it 不可换用另的代词,且 time 前习惯上不用冠词.例:
1 ) It’s time for class . 该上课了.
2 ) It’s time to play games . 是做游戏的时候了.
注意:It is time for sb to do 该某人干……
12 . something to eat (drink ) 意为“吃(喝)的东西”,to eat ( drink ) 为不定式作后置定语修饰不定代词 something .例:
We have something to eat now . 现在我们有东西吃.
Ⅱ. 典题赏析
◆ 交际能力与测试指要 ◆
1 . — ______ ? — It’s eight thirty .
A . How old is your sister B . What class are you in
C . What’s the time , please D . What number is your car
2 . 当你有事想问别人,应先说声:______ .
A . Excuse me B . I’m sorry C . Hello D . OK
Kate : Hi , Jim . ( 1 ) ?
Jim : Fine , thank you . And you ?
Kate : I’m fine , too . ( 2 ) ?
Jim : Very well , thanks
Kate : ( 3 ) ?
Jim : Class Four .
Kate : ( 4 ) ?
Jim : Room Five .
Kate : Oh , I see .
A . Which is here classroom B . How is your sister
C . How are you today D . What class is she in
◆ 交际英语讲练 ◆
※ 问候 ( Greetings ) ?
1 . “How are you ? ”“______”?
A . How do you do ? B . How are you ? ?
C . I‘m fine , thank you . D . What do you do ?
※ 介绍 ( Introductions ) ?
2 . — Li Ping , ______ . ?
— Nice to meet you , Zhang Hong . ?
A . that’s my friend , Zhang Hong B . this is Zhang Hong?
C . she is Zhang Hong D . I introduce Zhang Hong to you
3 . “Nice to meet you . ”“_______”?
A . Is that so ? B . I‘ve got a cough . ?
C . Yes , do please . D . Nice to meet you , goo .
※ 打电话 ( Making telephone calls ) ?
4 . “Hello , 5847552 . ”“Hi ! _____”?
A . Are you Linda ? B . Who are you ? ?
C . I am David . D . Is that Linda speaking ?
5 . — This is John speaking . Who is that ? ?
— _____?
A . This is Bill . B . I am Bill . ?
C . You are Bill . D . Where is bill ?
6 . — Could I speak to headmaster ? ?
— ______ please . ?
A . Hold on for a moment B . Speak loudly?
C . He is at work D . What’s wrong ?
7 . A : Hello ! Could I speak to Miss Grey , please ? ?
B : ______?
A . I‘m Miss Grey . B . Yes , you could . ?
C . SPeaking . D . Who are you ?
1 . C.“How are you ? ”是熟人之间常用的客套招呼语,答语常用 “Fine , thank you . ”或“Very well , thank you . ”表示问候的用语还有“Good morning / afternoon / evening . Hello / Hi . ”等,答语须重复原话.?
2 . B.介绍某人,常用句型“This is . . . ”.自我介绍则用“My name is . . . ”或“I’m . . . ”.? 3 . D.“Nice to meet you . ”一般在两人初次见面被互相介绍后使用,其答语为“Nice to meet you , too . ”.“How do you do ? ”和“Glad to meet you . ”也属于介绍用语.?
4 . D.打电话时,欲问对方是谁,应说“Who is that ( speaking ) ? ”.?
5 . A.打电话时,欲说“我是……”,应说“This is . . . ”.?
6 . A.接电话时,若想请对方别挂断或稍等,应说“Hold on ( for a moment ) , please . ”.?
7 . C.接电话时,若你正是对方要找的人,可说“请讲” ( Speaking . ) ;若对方要找的人不在,可说“He / She isn‘t here right now . Can I take a message for you ? ”.?
Ⅲ. 语法透视
◆ 不可数名词用法举要 ◆
▲不可数名词没有复数形式.如:some meat , some bread , 不可说 some meats , some breads .
▲不可数名词不能不定冠词 a , an 及数词修饰,但可用 some , any , much (许多),a lot of (许多),a little(一点)等直接修饰.如:我们不可以说a tea , two milk , 但可以说 some tea , much meat .
▲不可数名词前通常用量词来表示具体的数.如:a glass of water , two cups of tea , five pieces of bread .需要注意的是:类似短语中的介词 of 不能省去,当数词大于“一”时,量词需要用复数形式.
These is some water in the bottle . 瓶里有些水.
Is there any rice in the bag ? 袋子里有米吗?
There are three bottles of orange on the table . 桌上有三瓶桔汁.
试比较:There is some orange on the table .
▲对不可数名词前的修饰语提问,疑问词用 how much .例如:
They want two cups of tea .
→How much tea do they want ?
There is some milk in the glass .
→How much milk is there is the glass ?
▲对不可数名词前量词部分的修饰语提问题,疑问词用 how many .例如:
They want two cups of tea . →How many cups of tea do they want ?
▲不可数名词表示特指时可用定冠词 the 修饰.例如:
The bread on the table is Li Lei’s . 桌上的面包是李磊的.
▲有些名词即可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,但意思却大不相同.如:glass 作可数名词,意思是“玻璃杯”,作为不可数名词,意思是“玻璃”;room 作可数名词,意思是“房间”,作不可数名词,意思是“空间”.
I have many friends bread meat milk fish (面包)(肉)(牛奶)(鱼)
Ⅳ. 难词解码
◆ some 与 any之区别 ◆
some 和 any 都有“一些”的意思,都可作形容词、代词,可修饰或代替可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词,但两者用法不同.
一、some 一般用于肯定句中.例如:
I can see some flowers . 我能直到一些花.
There is some milk in the glass . 杯子里有一些牛奶.
二、any 一般用于否定句和疑问句中.例如:
— Can you see any bread on the table ? 你看到桌子上有面包吗?
—Yes , I can see some . 是的, 我看到一些.
—Can you see any girls in the picture ? 你能看到图画上的女孩吗?
—No , I can’t see any . 不, 我一个也看不到.
三、some 可用于表示请求、邀请、希望得到肯定答复的一般疑问句中.例如:
— Can you give me some bread ? 你能给我一些面包吗?
— Certainly . Here you are . 当然可以,给你.
Would you like some bread ? 你想要些面包吗?
同学们,请看,Polly 给我们编出了一句顺口溜:
some 用于肯定句,疑问句、否定用 any ,请求、邀请与期待,仍用 some 代 any .
◆ do you like 与 would you like ◆
Do you like … ? 意为“你喜欢……吗?”“你爱……吗?”等,是提问者问对方习惯上喜爱什么,并不指目前一时爱好.其后常跟或 doing 结构作宾语.例:
Do you like meat ? 你喜欢吃肉吗?
Do you like playing basketball ? 你喜欢打篮球吗?
其肯定回答为 Yes , I do . ; 否定回答为 No . I don’t . .
Would you like … ? 意为 “你想要……吗?”“你愿意……吗?”,指说话人委婉地向对方提出请求或建议,是指目前的情况,其后常跟名词或 to do 结构作宾语.例:
Would you like some apples ? 你卢吃一些苹果吗?
Would you like to have a cup of tea ?你想喝杯茶吗?
其肯定回答是 Yes , please . 或 Yes , I’d like / love to . ; 否定回答是 No , thanks . / thank you . 或 Yes , I’d like to , but … 等.例:
A : Would you like a bottle of orange ?
B : Yes , please . / No , thanks .
would like 还可缩写为 ’d like .例:
I’d like to have a cup of tea .
Ⅴ. 幽默趣赏
◆ Tom’s Answer ◆
Tom : Dad , black hens are more clever than white hens , aren‘t they ?
Dad : How do you know it , Tom ?
Tom : Well , black hens can lay white eggs , but white hens can’t lay black eggs .
汤姆:爸爸,黑母鸡比白母鸡聪明,不是吗 ?
爸爸:你是怎么知道的,汤姆 ?
◆ The Red Ink ◆
Bob : Mum , I‘m making a picture of my father . Where is the red ink ?
Mum : What do you want to do with the red ink ?
Bob : I’ll colour his nose red .
鲍勃:妈妈,我正在画一张爸爸的像,红墨水在哪里 ?
妈妈:你用红墨水干什么 ?
◆ A dishonest cat ◆
1 . There lives a cat in the country . It likes telling lies , so that it glosses over its mistakes .
2 . When it catches a rat , the rat gets away . It says , “ You are too thin . I won’t catch you until you become fat . ”