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谁推荐一本初中英语语法加练习的书从主谓宾定状补开始讲起的,加练习 推荐一本有关初中英语语法的书籍给我谢谢(如初中英语语法大全) 帮我介绍几本初中英语语法的书..要看得懂的、简单的、不要很难的...我英语基础不是很好..我前几天刚看完了小学语法手册(上海科技教育出版社),我觉得挺不错,现在我想买类似的初中基 初中英语语法大全书推荐本人想买1本初中的语法书,要包括初1,2,3的 新目标九年级英语24页section2阅读的翻译.急···快 英语翻译P4(3a),P6(3a),P14(3a),P20(3a),P22(3a). [英语提问(1)]选择题.jack,where does your brother work?he is a __.he works in ____.[doctor;a school/waiter;a restaurant/teacher;a hospital/postman;the police station]your grandma is ___.don't ___ about her.[good;worry/well;worried/well;worr 1)does the house at the foot of the hill helong to ____?no.it's not ___.they don't live in this area.2)the bus stop is ___ from the school.[ten metres far/ten metres away/ten miles far away/ten metres'away]3)before christmas,parents buy lots of pre (我又来提问了)一道英语选择题11.Have you ever_____to bring your homework to school?A.forget B.forgot C.forgotten D.forgetting为什么选C,疑问句中不应该把forgotten换成原型吗?为什么仍然是用过去分词呢? 提问一个英语选择题We have ( )rest between two classes.A.10 minutes' B.10-minutesC.10 minute'sD.10 minutes要附上理由 关于一道英语选择题的提问.-would you mind not wearing the old hat?It looks terrible!-Ok,I'll put________A on another B another one on C on another pair答案是哪个,主要是选择的理由.希望各位高手不吝赐教.谢谢谢谢 1.I like collecting ship stanmps.(对“ship”进行提问)______________________________________________________.2.( )We have a lunch at 11:00 o'clock.(改错)________A B C3.按所给单词的适当形式填空The________girl dance very____ 急需一篇3~5分钟英语短文(小学 五年级) 小学五年级英语怎么做 英语翻译可笑的话就与粗心的画作着眼于某些特征对上帝的尊敬与爱戴感富人拥有的豪华房子与宫殿 高中物理,急…要过程…一个足球的容积是25L,用打气筒给他打气,每次都把体积125ml,压强与大气压强相同的气体打入球内,如果打气前足球就已经是球形并且里面的压强与大气压强相同,打了20次 某同学做了一次较精确的匀加速直线运动的实验..取下纸带研究其运动情况...设O点是计数的起始点.OA=S1..OB=9cm..OC=15cm..两计数点之间间隔为0.1s..则S1=多少cm..VA=多少m/s ..加速度a=多少m/s² 高中物理题,要详细过程 问一道英语选择题Professor White has written some short stories,but he is ______ known for his stage plays.A.bestB.moreC.betterD.most那么其他几项为什么不对? 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 7年级英语阅读求翻译. 英语翻译Rosa Parks has been called the mother of the American civil rights movement.Until the 1960s,black people in many parts of the United States did not have the same civil rights as white people.Laws in the American South Kept the two races s 英语翻译Barbara Jordan was born in the southern city of Houston,Texas in l 936.She was the youngest of three daughters.Her father was a Baptist minister.He taught her love of family,faith,music and language.As a child Barbara’s parents pushed h 请各位高人帮我手译成中文,TV talk shows dominate daytime television.And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one is different in style.But no two shows are more opposite in content,while at the same time standing out above the 各位高人帮我手译成中文,Paris in springtime was,is and always will be,something rather special.Why not experience it for yourself with this excellent break for four days?This attractive city has something to offer everyone with prices at ju 5 6 7 8 第5、7、8题 1、做匀加速直线运动的物体,加速度大小为2米每次放秒,若其第一秒内位移2米,则第三秒内位移是_______,前三秒内平均速度是______第四秒初的速度大小是_______,初速度大小为_______2、物体做匀加 急用1..一个物体在恒力F的作用下产生的加速度为a;现在把物体的质量减小到原来的 ,恒力减小到原来的 ,那么此时物体的加速度为原来的多少?2.用力F1单独作用于某一物体上可产生加速度为3 1、以vo=30m/s的初速度竖直向上抛出物体A,A运动时所受阻力恒为A重力的0.2倍.求:(1)A上升的最大高度;(2)A落回抛出点时的速度大小.计算时取g=10m/s2.2、为了安全,在公路上行驶的汽车之间应