
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 03:05:44
What did the librarian out of the library?What did the librarian _____ out of the library?A.permit to take B.forbid to be taken C.allow to take D.insist being taken 感谢别人帮你的话 请问这个单词怎么读? 副词位于动词前做什么成分 副词在短语动词中的位置通常短语动词中的副词位于动词之后 比如 turn left 我想知道为什么呢 为什么要把短语动词中的副词放在动词后面呢 在句子中副词的位置很灵活 但是在短语动词中 却 by ship同义词 by ship的同义词? 哦你的话bjl,mgjgmgjgtmp gj the impact is anything but. Simon is the _____(good) student in his class Please _____ the computer games.I don't want my computer to get a virus What do you want to __(do)?I Iike ___ (听)musec and___(玩) computer games. he expressed concern that battery lamps had a poor reputation 翻译 sympathy怎么读 This applies even to such good things as work or rest. disparate impact是什么意思 the day will come quickly just as it did with me they ____Tom their leaderA chooseB picked outC selectedD named sam,come quickly是什么意思? if they cut .their consumption of energy.tom said only few models of refrigrators had ..if they cut .their consumption of energy.tom said only few models of refrigrators had .enery saving labels填空 asteroid impact是什么意思 impact是什么意思 i was supposed to leave 这里的to leave 什么成分 fall形容词 alcoa forged aluminum weel 翻译 neoprene瓶套有什么特点 (0/0)penetration是什么意思? penetration是什么意思 新概念英语3、4册 哪几课比较好最值得背? 以下关于秦始皇定"皇帝"称号的说法,不正确的是( )A,具有神化皇权的意图B.表明秦始皇立志效法古代明君C.是君主中央集权制度下的产物D.体现了专制主义的倾向秦朝"废分封,设郡县"的主要目 请推荐一下新概念4中值得背的课文经典段落也可! 嬴政定"皇帝"称号是中央集权发展的必然结果吗