
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:13:32
Tom is making his bed.Tom划线否定句,一般疑问句,对划线部分提问 an unforgettable lesson 的英语作文 要求60字 tom is making a plan for his acation、、甚意思如题咯、、谢谢回答 帮忙写一篇英语作文!An Unforgettable Lesson 120字左右记叙一件发生在你与老师或同学之间的事1.事情在何时何地发生2.事情发生经过3.这一件是给你的教训大学作文 an unforgettable lesson 的英语作文 要求60字 英语翻译是否可以翻译为“执子之手,与子偕老”? we both agree.This is timelessThis is timeless love... 《中国的昨天和今天》的手抄报,可以写什么内容? an unforgettable lesson 的英语作文 要求80字 unforgettable lesson 的英语作文突出 unforgettable It seems that he is not fit for the job .他需要的 is more experien用call回答. he is not fit the job .i will take his p开头的然后填什么单词啊 ___(be) you or he fit the job?为什么填is? Let's go visit them.为什么不能是Let's go to visit them.或Let's go and visit them.请讲讲个中语法, I don't think Jerry fit for the job.He is not strong enough.这里的fit for 做什么成分? let's go to visit the bund first ,____ _____? 找过渡句这座桥不但坚固,而且美观.桥面两侧有石栏,栏板上雕刻着精美的图案:有的刻着两条相互缠绕的龙,嘴里吐出美丽的水花;有的刻着两条飞龙,前爪相互抵着,各自回首遥望;还有的刻 If we love the ______(old),let's go to see them. when the kettle ,will you make some tea?A.boil B.boils C.boiled 生态环境包括那些方面? 英语翻译RT You and I took a special chancethe first time we met...we both knew enough of love,and life,to understand thattwo people don't fall in love,they grow into it,slowly —and we'd both been hurt before by feelings that seemed too easily lost...中的we 你听过雪花飘落的声音吗?一个宁静的冬夜,一朵小小的雪花,从天上轻轻地飘下,飘啊飘,飘落在路边一盏孤灯的面颊上,微微起一阵暖意,小雪花满足而温柔地融化了.你一定听见过,用心听,你一定 你能告诉我友谊的定义吗? 用硬纸板做一个圆锥,做完后在桌子上滚动这个圆锥,测量圆锥的底面直径和高,你有什么发现 rt 气候包括哪些方面? 我听过雪花飘落的声音.改为双重否定句, 你听过什么的声音吗? 你听过蒲公英梳头的声音吗? 你听过蒲公英梳头的声音吗 仿写你一定会听见的 前三段 你听过蒲公英梳头的声音吗?蒲公英.她的头发全被风儿梳掉了.这两句话什么关系