
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 01:48:46
想找个练英文的partner,谁知道如何找呀?最好对方也想学中文,节省了报补习班的费用,又一对一,效果明显 寻找英语口语练习partner,本人CET6,口语一般.深圳 支持微信 inspirations后面的pi 读“拨”还是“泼”不是s后面的要浊化的吗?这是绝对的吗?如果不是,请举出一些常见的不是浊化的单词, 靡不有初鲜克有终 可以用在什么环境中? 求翻译:all residents must take fire precautions with the seriousness they deserve 轮船的外形,不要图片,要描述!我是在写作文!我们老师要我们仿写《人类的老师》. Jenny is friendly and ___(help)适当形式填空 整句翻译的哪个中英翻译机比较好? 有什么翻译软件可以整句翻译英文啊? 是He thinks he is like China,还是He thinks he is likes China,还要说明原因 连词成句 thinks Bob chinese boring is 哪里有中英翻译整句话的翻译器? She came to China two months ago(改为同意表达方式)She_______ _______in China______two months ago (1)把下面的成语补充完整,你能行的!(4分)(  )(  )不安  理(  )气(  ) 开( )有( 上海外滩的形成和浦东新区开发得益于党的十一届三中全会作出的什么重大战略决策?上海浦东的发展反应了我国对外政策走向怎样 谈谈你对我国对外政策的认识 三题.救助. SAT和SAT subject可以在一天考么?可以一次报名考试么?如果不能只能等到下一次考试日期再考SAT subject吗说明上写的 Sunday test dates immediately follow the Saturday test dates.是啥意思?可以周六考SAT 周日考 如图,直线y=kx+6与y轴交于点A,与x轴正半轴交于点F.点P在x轴负半轴上,点B在AF上,如图,直线y=kx+6与y轴交于点A,与x轴正半轴交于点F. 点P在x轴负半轴上,点B在AF上,PA=PB,∠APB=∠AEB,求OE+BE的值. 臣受命弊邑之君,将使于吴王之所 的翻译 臣受命弊邑之君,将使于吴王之所所以不敏而迷惑的划线是什么 .Latin,from that(A) the Rome Languages are derived(B),is rarely(C) taught in(D)American school today.改错 制,岩邑也.虢叔死焉,佗邑唯命.翻译这个句子? empire 和 vampire的后缀是什么意思?这两个词后5个字母相同,意思从某种角度来说也是有一定程度的相近,不知道-mpire是不是个有意义的后缀 求翻译:子尾多受邑而稍致诸君 选择正确的词,新概念2册52课练习的答案选择正确的词1.She dusted the furniture very(careful)(carefully)2.l hit him very (hardiy)(hard)3.This exercise is not (hard)(hardly) 4.I got home from work very(lateiy)(late)last nigh 新概念第一册练习题中出现的词组.go into classcome out of class提问:为什么没加冠词?是否可以把class改成the classroom? 英语翻译新概念2第97页练习的答案 ____of them plays the guitar well.-let's ask them to play for us.A.EACH B.SOME C.TWO D.MANY 用以下词组组句,i was digging in the garden/lost a gold ring/searched everywhere/dug up the garden/ did not find it/ found a valuable old coin instead你会怎样写啊?当然越完美越好喽我的答案是:I was digging in the garden,hopin 连词组句 第五小题 用以下短语回答句子,每个只能用一次.have a trip; in danger; less and less; such as; as a result1.We should protect the animals_____.2.Now the snakes grow ____.We can hardly see them.3.You can buy school things ,_____pens,pencils,noteb 如图,△ABC中,∠ABC=90°,AC=CE,BC=CD,∠ACE=∠BCD=90°;,BC的延长线交DE于F.(1)求证:EF=DF.(2)求证:S△ABC=S△DCE急 △ABC中,∠ABC=90°,AC=CE,BC=CD,∠ACE=∠BCD=901°,BC的延长线交DE于F.求证EF=DF S△ABC=S△DCE