
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:38:21
stay[动词单数第三人称】 儿童学英语怎样才是最有效的.儿童学英语那种方式是最好的?最有效的. 六岁儿童学英语有用吗 儿童学英语哪里好?哪里的英语班好? 儿童学英语应该选择什么英语品牌比较好呢? 儿童学英语有什么方法 stay的第三人称单数形式为什么不是去y+ies?像study的三单形式不就是studies吗?为什么stay的三单形式是stays(直接+s)呢?是因为动词有不规则的三单形式吗?如果有请列举出来..如果回答地好, CAN LOVE BE FOR GOOD?麻烦帮我翻译这句话的意思! If we could speak,we could have a good row. "there are times when lying is acceptable"是什么意思呢? There are times是不是后面常接when引导的句子?什么时候接when引导的句子呢? 将下列成语中主人翁的名字写在括号内四面楚歌----- 三顾茅庐-----围魏救赵-----卧薪尝胆-----煮豆燃萁-----纸上谈兵-----负荆请罪-----入木三分-----指鹿为马-----完璧归赵-----闻鸡起舞----- (五)将下列成语中的主人翁名写在括号内.四面楚歌( ) 初出茅芦( ) 入木三分( ) 煮豆烧箕( )破釜沉舟( ) 纸上谈兵( ) 背水一战( ) 指鹿为马( )围魏救赵( ) 草般借箭 将下列成语的主人翁的名字写在括号内.草船借箭( ) 完壁归赵( ) 不爱说话内向怎么办一点话也没有,全校就我一个人是不爱说话的那种人,我转过学,从小就不爱说话,是家庭原因还是后天原因?我家两个原因都有,我家里人就不爱说话,然后书上说打骂孩子会使 fold是什么意思 fold induction是什么意思.结合句子:A and B as positive controls of C and D were used and their fold induction were 16 and 17,respectively.ABCD全是药物. 19-fold是什么意思 top fold You can still be happy when there are no "good" things.A such B so注意,good上有引号请说明原因, 世界真奇妙怎么样 外贸询盘如下我要怎么回复?I'm interested in yourartificial leather for shoes bag furniture etc1.artificial leather 2.different design,thickness,backing 3.best quality,quality and price 4.used in shoes sofa bag etcQuantity Needed:500 Meter/ 外贸询盘回复 化工类 紧急 谢谢Good day, Am writing to enquire about the products you have and the best possible prices you can offer for them. I do await your response and hope we can work together and have the best possible understanding 外贸新手如何把询盘转化为订单?我今年刚毕业,做外贸才3个月,现在万国商业网注册了会员,每周也能接到几个询盘的,只是真正转化为订单的却很少.如何才能把询盘转化订单 英语翻译It's my 12th birthday today.So I get up early.When I have my breakfast,my classmates come.They give me some cards and presents.I am so happy to see them.We go to play tennis.Ten we eat McDonald's.这是要翻译的. It's said that the police ___ (try)their best to find the missing travelers these days.We ___ (organize) a school trip to the park unless it rains this Saturday. I find that I have been unlcky these days.(汉语翻译) make it any day的造句 向爸爸500子 写的感人 these kids 歌词有谁知道清告诉我? 英语翻译这首歌好好听.好象切实地知道下具体内容.