
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:10:49
They say that I am a silent girl sometimes什么意思 If any person (should be found )guilty,he shall have the right of appeal.A.are foundB.should be found C.was foundD.has been found为什么选B? The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up 引以为鉴是成语吗? 欢欢和妮妮共带200元去买童话书,欢欢花去自己钱数的7分之3,妮妮花去自己钱数的13分之9,欢欢花去多少钱?要用算术法 欢欢和妮妮共带200元买书,欢欢花去的钱数,比妮妮的2/5还多60元,他们花完了所带的钱,问欢欢花去多少元 广玉兰课文有几种形态!苏教版! 欢欢、迎迎、妮妮三个人的年龄是三个奇数,这三个奇数相乘的积是693.问三个人的年龄分别是多少? 陈情表中的莹莹孑立的后一句是什么? 连成句孑后,句孑尾部是什么符号? 1.Don't be so s____ .can't you understand they are fooling you?2.He doesn't s____ to have many friends.3.I'm quite s____ about my future.I am working hard.4.Be c____ when you meet someing terrible.It will help a lot.5.More and more trees ___(plant) o 求全等的题目,请高手回答,要过程在△ABC中,∠C=2∠B,AD是△ABC的角平分线,∠1=∠B.求证:CD=DE图在这:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/281377942.html ()()孑立 谁知道孑孑身影的意思,急需 His parents found a ( ) to teach their son.(music) 初三英语第五小问为什么会是talk 艳势番第九回讲的什么啊?请详细说说花九卿. 艳如( )多如( )稳如( )易如( )面如( )势如( )文如( ) 世界上最艳最妖的花有哪些?牡丹芍药之类普通的就不要了. 拓展纤维是什么?它能用来干什么? didn't know you were so busy.为什么这个句子里有两个过去时?不是每个句子里只能有一个吗? I didn't know you were in China .中开头那为什么用didn't啊? 孑然的孑什么意思 句孑的意思 孑口什吗意思 ____ such a good chance,why don't you have a try?A.To give B.Having C Given D.giving选B having 好像也没有错误.如:Since you have such a good chance,... ___such a good change,he planned to learn moreA:To be givenB:Having been givenC:Having givenD:Giving 选哪个?为什么? It was ( )that they had to put more clothe.A so clod weather B such a cold weather C so cold a weather D such cold weather 明朝前期,郑和远洋航行体现了什么样的影响 指出郑和船队能够成功远洋航行的技术条件有哪些? my dream of being a teacher ___________(realize)at last I can not think of any good advice to give her为什么不用think up