
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:22:43
为什么我在考数学的时候,选择题总是错很多(会的,粗心做错的)?怎么改变? 后面大题难得我都会 反而前面简单的选择填空要不然就题目没看清什么的错了 每次都很认真 可是每次还是错很多 一题就3分 后面的大题也就10分 原来成绩不错 最近都考八十多 感觉错了好多 已知三角形ABC三边a,b,c满足a^2+b^2+c^2=ab+ac+bc,则三角形ABC是( )A.不等边三角形B.等腰三角形C.等边三角形D.等腰直角三角形 总是错4个 那么历史,政治怎样提高成绩?选择题经常错哦 麻烦看看这页哪几个选择题错了 是什么原因 政治历史选择题填错位置 给我发英语,历史,政治选择题 大侠们,我现在初二,别的课都只扣4—10分,就地里拉分,100分视觉才考69分,主要都是选择题错了,20道选择错了13道.视图题几乎没错, --How would you like your tea?--___A very quickly B as it comes,please C very much D i'd like itwhy?要求有具体讲解 1,--Today,are you free now I have a favor to ask of you.--_____A It is a pleasure B Go ahead C Help yourself D Ask,please2,Had it been at all possible I would have gone to visit him in the hospital,but I ___fully occupied the whole of last week.A am as time went by,the plan stuck fairly practicalA to proved B to prove Ralph found it difficult to get his British jokes ___ to American audiences.A.away B.around C.down D.across Some people believe international sports creates goodwill between the nation and____countries play games together they will learn to live togher.A.if B.that C.that if D.unless我选择了A,为什么呢! We all think that this young man deserves ( ).A.to be praised B.praising C.to praise D.being praised 帮我看一下这个选择题和填空题, 1.关于功,下列说法正确的是()(这题是我乱选的,请给出合理解释)A.因为功有正负,所以功是矢量B.功只有大小而无方向,功是标量C.功的大小只由力和位移决定D.力和位移都是矢量,所以功也 the old beggar walked down the street alone.he wondered ___A.which place to live in B.which place to live书上的答案给的是A,可我好像记得我们学过如果动词不定式做后置定语修饰的名词是place 时,后面的介词应该略 错的三道选择题,在线等,概率论 此选择题是不是选错了?选1对的吗?我在游泳馆游泳时连续三天看见她,没跟她说话但她知道我在看她,最后一天要了手机号,过几天和她有了第一次约会,先吃饭后来去喝咖啡.我想吻她但她拒绝 错误的是:A东北平原,地势平坦,热量条件好,一年可种植三季作物.B内蒙古哦呼伦贝尔,水草丰茂,盛产三河牛、三河马闻名.C福建山区,地势崎岖,不宜耕种,却有利于林业的发展.D新疆,气候干旱、 已知月球上没有空气,没有磁场,同一物体在月球和地球上所受重力之比为1:6,假如你登上月球,你可以干下列那件事( )A.直接跟月球上的同伴讲话B.轻易举起20kg的重物C.做马德堡半球实验D.用 A目前我国流通的硬币是由合金材料制造的B人类最早利用的单质铁来自地球上自然存在的陨铁C镁在空气中燃烧发出耀眼的白光,可用于制造照明弹D日用铝制品表面覆盖着氧化膜,对内部金属其 在一道选择题中,这句话是错的.大家看看这是为什么.“力可以从一个物体传给另一个物体而不改变其大小”. ( ) There is ______noise in the countryside.People can enjoy nature there.A.more B.less C.much我觉得是B~而答案给的却是C 是我错了还是答案错了?请回答并给解释( )He is going to ______ for vacation this year.A somewhere int --I've heard David,Lisa and you will___different sections of our class paper.Right?--Yes,that's ture.Give us some suggestions,OK?A.responsible for B.in charge of C.take charge of D.have duty to 顺便翻译.答案也要翻译.翻译!四个词都翻 1.--Don't skate on the lake!1.why not?Isn't it thick enough ______?A.to skate B.skating on C.skating D.to skate on2.About two years ____since the earthquake took place in wenchuan.A.passed B.has passed C.have passed D.have been passed我英语差呀! 5.Our staff agreed that ______ stand must be unified.A.their B.our C.it’s D.its 6.A serious disagreement between the management and ______ caused ______ dismissal.A.he...him B.he...his C.him...he D.him...his 7.Members debated the ______ of decentra 1.Remember ____ your homework here tomorrow.A.to bring B.to take C.bringD.take 2.Ann eats two ____ and drinks some ____ for breakfast.A.hamburgers;oranges B.hamburgers;orange C.hamburger;oranges D.hamburger;oranges3.Is ____boy your son?A.a B. 1、Yesterday we went to the park instead of ___ to see the filmA go B going C to go D to see the film2、Ater Mrs Kelly's____,the father went to live with RobertA die B dead C death D died3、You are lying .Youare ___ a friend of mine ____.A not ..a