
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:14:29
finish和complete都有“完成”的意思,请问一下它们的用法有什么不同? 翻译reason 英语翻译哪位能帮我把这个曲谱翻译成简谱啊~左右手都要~和声的~只要两个手都翻译成数字就可以了~不用写拍子什么的~比如右手:671 676左手:623671 512567这样就可以~小女子先谢过了~ her work has been left unfinished since then 若错误应该怎样说 求英语语法高手分析这句英语啊~most families,may go together on a ski trip across the snowy countryside.我想问这整句的意思以及它的语法,我最难理解就是on a ski trip across the snowy countryside,它修饰谁?they like t 英语翻译求翻译 Does the lease provide the lessee with exclusivity in relation to the permitted use of premises? If it does not turn up,I will turn it up.翻译!如果翻译的好,刚才四个人的都不对!还有:这句话使用来鼓励自己的 the knod does not —Many thanks.—It is my____. 上句是many problems for your kindness 下句是it is my ___在横线上填词语不要搞太多生词来! i'm confident that i can speak good English.这里的that 从句为什么是状语从句?请结合状语从句的定义加以说明~ 5、中彩那天 是呀,中彩那天父亲打电话的时候,是我家最富有的时刻.为什么说这个时候是我家最富有的时刻呢? 巴尔扎克什么()学家,哪国?爱默生()学家,哪国?快 by that time 为什么不是 从那以后 的意思? The letter is _____ (tear) into pieces . who do you think ___ the letter into pieces?A tore B tearing C torn D to tear不明白为什么不是用主动B选择呢? Since it takes more than 10 years for a tree to grow,we must start using___paper now.A.many B.few C.fewer D.less.原因. You must wrap hombao in red paper because it's lucky.怎样提问 pick up有哪几种意思? .一套服装原价100元,涨价10%以后,又削价10%,现在售价是( ).(a)、101 (b)、100 (c)、110 (d)、99 one加一个字母,变成另一个新词,并写出中文快 It might seem that speaking politely is more difficult than being direct.It might seem that speaking politely is more difficult than being direct,and in a way this may be true.这句话前面能理解,但后面的“in a way this may be true”要表 old改一个字母,变一个新词,写出它的中文 口角的拼音是KOU JIAO还是KOU JUE 翻译:the lady asked the boy if the dog could bite her. people could not transport them easily====could not ------- -------easily I was not mature enough.would you please forgive me? 说出位于北方地区的省级行政区域单位及其简称,行政中心?各位地理大神,帮我好吗? 中国的北方地区有哪些 消失的楼兰古国给我们的启示是什么 中国北方地区的省级行政区及行政中心有哪些? 岷四字组词