
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 16:02:59
怎样证明一个三角形中内角小的对应角平分线长 回答 填空题三角形的三个顶点A(3,-2).B(1,6) C(1,-6)中,可能在同一反比例函数Y=K/X图像上的是 三角形的两个外角角平分线相交于一点,求这点在一个内角的角平分线上 家字去了宝字盖念什么 天上的云形态各异,什么样子的都有.改拟人句 天上的云形态各异,什么样子都有.改为比喻句 谁知道宝字盖,去掉上面那个点念什么啊? 天上的云的形态各异,什么样子的都有.改成比喻句和拟人句.哥哥姐姐, 天上云的形态各异,什么样子都有.改成拟人句和比喻句 天上的云形态各异,什么样子都有.改成排比句和比喻句 描写细雨的成语广泛发挥 形容小雨 四字成语我就省10了 什么细雨成语 需关于“放慢脚步,享受生活”的英文文章如题,最好有中文的翻译的, 不要停下你的脚步.用英语怎么说 怎么往墙上钉钉子 什么风什么雨的成语填数字 关于风的成语.()风送爽、()风细雨、()风呼呼、()风刺骨、()风习习. the lady dancing as a hobby in her sixties,and she is really good at it nowthe lady ________dancing as a hobby in her sixties,and she is really good at it nowdressed up looked up took up put up 用四字成语来概括风小雨稀 because not always it was possible to tell something like that just by looking at someone,求翻译 Does she good at dancing 病句 在括号里真上叠词小心() ()不倦 兴致() ()不舍忠心() ()不归 鬼鬼() ()不绝 ( ) ( )目光 括号里是叠词 在括号里补充叠词. what could have been a very difficult case for the defense.在这里是个什么从句?为什么用what引导?Douglas said the guilty plea brings to a close what could have been a very difficult case for the defense. 英语作文好的结尾 要有文学性 (例如)Never underestimate the power of your actions评论人帮助别人句子 里面的英语独白在网络上也称,里面有一段英语独白,有原文的话请告诉一下~ The Dawn 那几句英语是:as the last ship sailed towards the distant horizoni sat there watching on a rockmy mind slowly drifting awayforming into my ...Dreamtale要人工翻译的,在线翻译的不成话 太空中有多少行星 with a table cloth the table looks very nice__________with a table cloth,the table looks very nice.A CoveringB CoveredC Having coveredD Having been covered what a beauiful cost! it costs so ( ) that I cant not buy it A.much B.expensive