
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:08:04
I will be out of the office starting 19/01/2007 and will not return until I will be out of the office 15/01/2010 and will not return until 18/01/2010 The shopping centre is behind my house.同义句 My bilk is behind the house.对behind the house提问 2008x2007分之2006得数是多少要过程 甲、乙两车分别从甲、乙两车分别从A、B两地同时出发,相向而行,甲每小时行50千米,乙每小时行全程的10%,当乙行到全程的5/8时,甲车再行全程的1/6可以到达B地.求A、B两地相距多少千米? 圆柱的底面周长是188.4分米,侧面展开是一个正方形,它的高是多少分米? I'll never forget the day on which I worked with you.I'll never forget the days in/during which I worked with you.I'll never forget the days on which we worked together.他们的介词不同的原因 advise的名词是 I am working very hard at the office. working,am,i,at,hard,the,office怎么排?回答者,我会对你感激不尽的, 桃木是红色的吗? I will not be in the office until Thursday.包括周四吗? 什么喊深桃木色?深桃木色是什么样子的? 你在生活中处处可以拾到蕴藏丰富光泽的小贝壳 该怎样缩句 The stduents in Class One are quieter than __ in Class Three.A.ones B.those C.them D.that选什么?为什么 一道有关向量与三角函数的题目,向量OA=(1+cosΘ,sinθ)(0<θ<π/2),向量OB=(1,tan(θ/2)),向量OC=(1+cosθ,sinθ),当θ=( )时,△ABC的面积最大? 怎样解这道三角函数与向量的综合运用题 梦到大贝壳昨晚梦到有人在我家楼下买很大的贝壳,里面的肉很鲜嫩,当时想着做着吃了.但是卖货人要我用空贝壳来换,价钱很便宜.我是女生 和be addicted to 相似的词组 be addicted to后面跟ing吗? The students in cCass One are quieter than those in Class Two 为什么是those 而不是ones be addicted to 我国的哪个著名高原上的部分平原地区被称为“坝子”? 三角函数加向量, 关于三角函数与向量 简单题,求解! Here is our classroom.40 desks and 40 chairs___in it.空中天什么 我们应该多帮父母做一些力所能及的小事,比如洗碗扫地”翻译成英语 ()and you'll have a good ideaA.To work hard B.Work hard C.Working hard D.Worked hard怎么感觉AC都对 You have a very good idea,______?反意疑问句 描写父母细节的新颖素材 关于描写我与父母发生的细节的作文(1000字)