
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:14:14
秋冬季节里红色、紫红色叶子的园林植物有哪些?比如说红枫的叶子是红色,红叶石楠长出的新叶也是红色 日内瓦在哪 日内瓦怎么样 I dream to the moon A.to fly B.flying C.of flyingdream 后面 世界上现在共有多少国家?世界上现在现在现在现在现在共有多少国家? 目前全世界共有多少国家啊? Tom's father came back()the afternoon of March 12th.用in还是on? When i was waiting for the bus,TOM came__his father's car Geneva怎么读 日内瓦大学怎么样 日内瓦是怎样的城市 Change'-c travels faster and _(靠近)to the moon 英语翻译要标准的啦 . 内涵是什么东东?麻烦您老说的具体点. His uncle smoked in the past ,but now he doesn't.(改写同义句)His uncle ___ ___ ___ smoke. David smoked a lot , but now he doesn't ,(保持原句意思) David _____ ______ smoke a lot. In the past he often made his sister ____,but now he is often made ____ byA.to cry; to cry B.cry; cry C.to cry; cry D.cry; to cry最好带上原因 she often played the guitar in the past, but mow she doesn't 同义转换 Jack often smoked too much,Now he has stopped smoking(两句并一句) Jack___ smoke__ ____ Do you think_________easy for them to finish the work in time.A,this B,that C,it D,its可可可--是 why? 英语It'll take them three weeks to finish the work.3QIt'll take them three weeks to finish the work.(根据them three weeks提问) 修改病句 ,下面是原句在草长鹰飞的四月,我校丰富多彩的开展了首届《阅读文化节》活动.通过演童话剧、写读后感、与作者面对面等活动……读书兴趣更浓了.活动中还有十位同学被评为“ 在原句上修改病句.下面是题目.1爸爸对我说,我小时候,没钱读书.2开学了,我们树立了计划,明确了努力方向.3《钢铁是怎样炼成的》一书,塑造了英雄保尔的事迹.4今年大家高兴愉快地外出了一 Do you have time next Sunday?(改同义句)还有Do you want to go camping with me?(改同义句) 同义句转换:Kitty and I did not feel sick any more.Kitty and I ()()()sick. 句型转换 “You can't smoke any more,”the doctor said to him.(改为同义句)“You can't smoke any more,”the doctor said to him.(改为同义句)He was ____ ____ ____ ____ smoking. I don't think they can work it out,这个句子的反意疑问句是什么? Jack( )(not smoke)any more now 英语中 “做出这道题”是 work it out 还是 work out it 关于水中的倒影是正立还是倒立是正立还是倒立但也有很多人说它是正立的给个资料来源吧谢了 平面镜成像中,虚像有没有可能是倒立的 急需一篇英语美文,带翻译.