
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:46:14
-you must ome back every month -yes,i_ a;will b;must c;should d;can ----you must phone us every week.----Yes,I______.A.must B.have to C.will D.should 请问选哪个? 你的生活目标是什么 英语翻译 never meant to be 如题,有什么蕴含意思的吗?会更深一层的解释?Never meant to be cruelNever meant to heart you 各位大侠请问:try dong和 try to do 有什么区别吗?除了这个词还有其他类似的词组吗? 求进击的巨人里的所有歌! 英语翻译Hi.if you are not busy than come to factory i will teach you english form it is my cousin.为什么用的it,不用she.前提是已经知道cousin是为女性. 英语翻译我这样翻的:瞧,这行业充斥着大量的不切实际傻逼,这些逼养的认为的技术会越老越强.他们的确会变成老坛陈醋,但如果你想说他们的技术也会随着年龄增长,你就错了.原句:see,this b 英语翻译我这样翻译行不行:瞧,这行业充斥着大量的不切实际傻逼,这些逼养的认为的技术会越老越强.他们的确会变成老坛陈醋,但如果你想说他们的技术也会随着年龄增长,你就错了.原句:s 初中英语连词成句 1.you,getting,right,would,up,mind.away2.please,could,my,hour.you,daughter,for,babysit,an,little.3.to,his,feed,has,cat,morning,tom,every,4,a,stylist,gave,haircut,terrible,him,the,hair,5,when,annoyed,i,people,line,in,get,cut, 怎样提高智商,我现在智商110 感觉很低 我希望自己能提高一点 希望能给我实用一点的答案 我提高了智商,智商低时的事情能忘吗?(要做的?) 请问love to do等于like to 那like dong sth.=love doing sth. like to do 和 like doing区别 怎么写自已喜欢的花 将 That is my good cousin.改为否定句 .______is that?That’s my cousin.A.Who B.What C.Whose 怎样选择 身边关于诚信的故事,一定要是身边的!一定要是身边的! 连词成句paly we go basketball shall and now 找一首歌,歌词如下:(开头)you are always on my mind all the ages all the time.女的唱的,中国人...you are everything to me,bright as a star to let me see(中间)i pray to be with you through rain and shinning day..the beauty of our l I just never took the time but you were anways on my mind you were always on my mind英译汉 日光城 用英语怎么说 “我有一个梦想.骑车到拉萨.”翻译成英文 请简述cross和 pass的区别二者有何区别 拉萨的英是什么? across cross through pass 的区别急!用法和区别 拉萨是最高的城市英文是什么啊 Accounts must be interpreted or made clear for the benefit of interested parties.Ratio are used to show the relationship between figures,these figures are then compared with he previous year's figure.在这里interested parties又该怎么理解!show girlfriend tv star both the his his show lost and 连词成句 A programmed computer begins to show on it screen the figures you need _____.A. when switched on B. to be switched on C. switched D. being switched on