
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 17:59:36
高中英语怎么上130英语只有120几.请为我安排个学英语的时间表.我们7.20上早读.晚上10.20到家.没有双休日.我的听力较差,每次都错3-4个.单项一般2个.阅读理解一般3个.作文差,上次扣了9分.完型2- our lifehas a limit,but knowledge is without limit不能直译,咋译 是without limit 还是without limits? 英语翻译不知道翻译成Love,in understanding the end.感觉不是太通顺.有没有更好的翻译啊.哈哈怪先生,你的动作也太快乐吧.我很同意你的Love,in the end of understanding.但是我觉得这个翻译有点太平常了 求适者生存的事例,关于动物的 关于一种动物适者生存的剧本可以在自变应变中选(故事梗概也可以)清明三天急求 he suffered injury to his The old man can’t walk _________ his bad leg.A.because of B.because C.because for D.soHelp ______ to some fish,” Mrs Smith said to the children.A.you B.yourself C.yourselves D.yoursIf you have any ideas ________.Please return them to him.A.whose 英语:he walked with the__ of a wooden leg.A.help B,use 应选哪个,两个选项有什么区别, nice make Chinese dishes 的意思是什么 dishes是什么意思 你什么时候到上海用英语怎么说? 大禹治水成功的原因 大禹治水成功的原因是什么 初三英语题 Though he looks small and weak,he has surprising ______(strong). 适者生存的例子 植物 Paul is quiet ____(thin) and he looks weak. 我朋友和我喜欢的运动时不同的 翻译成英语 我喜欢和朋友们一起去公园里运动的英文 羽毛球拍常识(一):羽毛球拍椎柄上的数字是什么意思? 英语翻译The hotels have just started selling white tea-scented items,including $36 candles. 英语翻译She was also often outrageously lucky:lucky that the striking miners were led by Arthur Scargill,a hardline Marxist; lucky that the British left fractured and insisted on choosing unelectable leaders; lucky that General Galtieri decided t 英语翻译Dear Mary,I have a problem,and i need your help.I always thought i was popular at school.But i just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend,and they didn't intite me.Everyone else in my class was invite my summer holidays用过去式,最好有关于奥运的事中学英语作文80字 羽毛球拍常识1:羽毛球拍椎柄上的数字是什么意思 别踩了这朵花表达的情感最恰当的是 如何准确的写作表达自己的情感?我写一些作文时,就非常激动,有想法,但是表达的太繁琐了,我想要像平常一样写,请问怎么办? 怎样快速剥板栗? 沁盈宁的英文名,有谁知道? 英语翻译【When I'm Gone】Take,take all the pain off my heart,I've left no longer strength almost,To carry on and hope that we will be good.Who,Who has told you that we won't get along,Wasn't simple to me to give up,The life goes on and I'm clos