
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:05:41
I'm exhausted after working for such a long time ____.let's go for a walk in the park.A.so do I B.so I do C.so am I D.so I am解析! After a long time walk in such a hot day,he felt____and drangk a lot of water That is fun to swim in the river in summer.这句话哪错了 用going to形式写一篇周末计划,5句话! 用“be going to”的适当形式填空1.I _____ watch TV.2.Bob_____ clean his room.3.John _____(not) fly a kite tomorrow.4._____you_____read English?5.Your sister _____(not) get up at six.6._____ he _____ swim in the sea?7.They _____ walk to schoo 你认为五年后的萨莉会是什么样的?翻译 __ you think sally will__ __ in five years 苍凉的近义词,威武的近义词,怠慢的近义词是什么? 响亮的近义词,激越的近义词,肆无忌惮的近义词,怠慢的近义词 Peter always plays games with them them划线(划线提问) .There is a ___________at the gate of the school .(oitnec] 组成的英语单词是什么 It seems only seconds before he finished washing his face before 和after选哪一个 为什么 it seemed only a few weeks / he finished translating the long story.a; before; I am not great man I want to become a princess of course do princess became这说的什么呀?语法错误没 Man is a fool will become sad!Small lovely you lied to me,I hate you.Now,I also want to become fools.Forget you,before you forget and wonderful 求中文! I always find them 中文 标致的近义词 打量的近义词 打量,近义词是? France ,windy ,in ,it ,in,is ,winter The concept of English teaching那位高人帮我解释哈英语教学的理念是什么 越多越好 the relationship between methodology of teaching english and foreign language teaching用英文回答 at were on we the August Stationer's 15th in your opinion ,what kind of qualities are needed to become a successful manager.RT要一片 英文短文150单词左右 We were at the dentist.改一般疑问句并做肯定与否定回答 What matters isn't what happens to you in life.What really matters is how you react to it.求翻译 (1)Where were you( ) Thursday,March23,2006.(2)We were( )the baker's. We were at the baker's on February 22nd?at the baker's划线 怎么改? Paper -making is ( ) of ancient China.A one of grestest inventor B one of the grestest inventors C one of grestest inventionDone of the grestest inventions The paper is make of tree .怎么搞的,纸已经造好了,怎么还用一般式啊那如果说纸张被美国造出来了 用过去式吗 Follow Me (Play Follow The Leader) 歌词 In study after study over the past some of us——(not study)hard in the past怎么填?她经常带客人们参观颐和园.she often( )visitors() ()the summer palace.他们中没有人在听你讲话.()()them ()()()you Think of w hat you study as stories in the past.翻译英语提问应该是翻译汉语