
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 02:25:51
tom didn't say anying when he left 同义句转换 tom didn't say angying when he left同义句转换 For most people,the word “fashion” means “clothes”.But people may ask the question,“What clothes are in fashion?” And they use the adjective (形容词) “fashionable” in the same way:“She was wearing a fashionable color.” For example,the number eight means big f_____ which people like most.英语完形填空。 搜一下ABAB式的词语. ABAB式的有什么词? ABAB式的词 everything i do comes back to me是因果报因的意思吗 The good you do comes back to youEvery morning a woman baked Chapati,an Indian flatbread,for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby.She would always place the extra Chapati on the windowsill,for whosoever needed to eat it.She no He's left a message saying that he has someing important to do.为什么用saying The first中间可以加形容词吗?比如 the very important first step is .老师说不可以的。我觉得有见过啊 Dress neatly!The first i_____is very important They say that first impressions are very important .是宾语从句还是表语从句? 中国东西走向距离是多少 如图所示,A,B是海面上位于东西方向距离5(3+根号3)海里的两个观测点,现位于A点北偏东45°,B点北偏西60°的D点有一艘轮船发出求救信号,位于B点南偏西60°且与B点相距20根号3海里的C点的救援 she likes giving her money to the people in need.All her friends think she is g----- Jenny likes buying clothes she sees__by fashion models填上wear的正确形式 l ___ two new friends a.have b.has c.am she spent a lot of time on her clothes which she would wear to the context.这句话有语法错误吗?有错误请指出并改正. 在我国古典文学中,有这样的诗句:“花谢花飞花满天,红消香断有谁怜?···一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两这是名著《______》中______写的《______》中的一句. 英语必修一问题Don't be late for the exam Mike .Mike the thacher told you () for the examA.to be not lateB.not to be lateC.are not lateD.to not be late为什么选C,而不选B?————————————————新群 成立雨雨, He came______(十二) in the English exam.There are many____________(架子)on the top of thebuilding. Eversleeping Xandria Ravenheart歌词及翻译 pure-play怎么翻译啊是电子商务的专业英语 新疆到哈尔滨有多远 从新疆到台湾有多远 求一种水生植物,有图,求学名是什么?我妈曾腌成酸菜,再做汤食用,味道好极了,因为是少数民族,所以不知道学名叫什么.生长在田里,不能生长在很深的水里,不像荷一样能扎根深水中.只能生长 这是什么园林水生植物?有图有真相后面长在水中的那些, pure as the south polar snow求翻译 She's tall,blonde,twenty-three and pure as the driven snow.这句话怎么翻译呀? Lucy and Lily were helping an old man ___ (cross)the street 史记高祖本纪的(病愈,西入关,至栎阳,存问父老,置酒,留四日,复如军,军广武.关中兵益出.)