
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:45:44
That the translation should have all the ease of original composition怎么翻译 I am的后面加动词原形还是ing急 莽字怎么读 I am taller than 后面加神马?i have long hair than (she) (her) (hers)?后面是什么或者说,my short is **than (she) (her) (hers)? 英语翻译The use they make of to study this kind of enery attracts many other scientists.这句话该怎么翻译?The use they make of to study this kind of energy attracts many other scientists.不好意思 原问题输入有误 i must escape from the hell as soon as possible!i can't stand any more!英译汉 莽这字怎么拼啊 英语翻译Comparison of a fixed budget with the actual results for a different level of activity is of little use for budgetary control purposes. 结婚最重要的条件是什么(请用英文回答哦)如果是选择equal economic status怎么回答呢?得具体从这平等的经济条件入手哦~ "莽"是什么字?"莽"是什么字? 一般情况下地图是用什么定向法?好像一般地图都有经纬网呀!是用经纬网定向法么? 英语翻译只有英文的原文也行这是英语六级的题…求助啊 所列王朝加强中央集权的措施朝代 措施秦汉宋明清 CMA是什么?对我能有什么帮助? 用人仰马翻造句 莽荒纪余薇怎么死的 三角形ABC的三边为a,b,c;c为斜边.问:1/a+1/b=1/cma吗?(练习册的答案是:是) 听说CMA新考纲发生了变化,难度增加,那么它所说的所有题目的难度达到C是什么意思? CMA指什么? 怎么通过cma of 前一定是主语吗?偶们老师总是说:of 前面是主语!of 前一定是主语!那为什么新二中13课中第一句:The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers.如果of前是主语,那么主语是单数,be动词为什么用复数呢? 花园里有65颗月季花,比菊花棵树的2倍还少5颗,花园里有多少颗菊花?40比( )少百分之25 请问LED电源(DC12V,30W)的电源需要做商检吗?海关编码是什么? 分子分凝统计结晶动力学 高分子晶体熔化热力学 用英语怎么翻译 什么物体不是晶体? and our economic revolution by a revival of the american spirit .has been matched 是不是用了现在完成时的被动语态.整个句意.谢谢帮我分析语法.and our economic revolution has been matched by a revival of the american spirit . 什么是Appropriated_retained_earnings? retained earnings per question什么意思在ACCA F7中出现 Profit&loss是什么如题... lost in the bird of wonder pass by city and find. 初一新生开学典礼发言稿!要600字左右注意是新生!并且是秋天 原创600字左右就行了并且是新生说的~ 英语翻译1.Vowels referto the sounds in the production of which no articulators come very closetogether and the air-stream passes through the vocal tract without obstruction.2.Cardinal Vowels are a set of vowel qualities arbitrarilydefined,fixed a