
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:50:04
英语,用适当的连词填空My sister is waiting for me , () l must be off now.Men () women , old () young , all joined in the sports.You can go either by boat () by car.Are we going to have the 用适当的连词填空(英语)Can you tell me( )you go there or not?( )( )you ( )( )your father draws well. 英语,用正确的连词填空1.I did not know____or not he would quit the job and leave the city.2.I'll do___I can to help you.3.I am very happy___you come to see me. The room with a sea ______ is more expensive but it is worth the priceA:view B:sceneryC:sight D:scene讲一讲这四个词有什么本质的区别It is the third time the poor girl______ sorry; please say something,OK?A:had said B:saysC:saying D:has 1.The car passed through the streets ( )we thought was a very dengerous speed.A which B at which C at what D what为什么呀 我对定语从句这一块学的很不好 麻烦讲得稍微细一点 2.Is this hospital ( )you once worked for 10 years?A 帮我分析2道英语选择题(高一)1.After graduation from college,he began to go from city to city,___a suitable job.A)hunting for B)taking on C)looking after D)bringing up(答案是A)2.Sunglasses is used to ___ the eyes from strong light,es Is this the first time you ____Beijing?A.have visited B.would visit C.visited D.have been visiting No one can be sure if the car on display fits him or her until he or she ___themA.tries B.will try C.tried D.have tried 敢问选什么 “奶奶对我们说”用英语怎么说 英语翻译6.你讲的话听起来很有道理.7.天安门广场占地面积440000平方米.8.我们应该采取措施阻止人们捕杀动物.9.只有通过坚持不懈的努力,我们才能成为良好教育的人.10.在面试时,你一定要相 高一的两道英汉互译1.每当说到春节,孩子们就会兴奋起来.___________ _________ __________ to the Spring Festival,the children will get excited.2.他们最终达成了这个对双方都有好处的协议.At last ,they made an ______ 两条高一英语翻译题 英语翻译 第3题 解答 物理初三 meter的复数是什么? 对划线部分提问!The sailfish can swim 109km per hour.(109km per hour是划线部分) It's very cold in winter in Nanjing.划线部分:very cold有两种问法,请都列举出来. 六年级英语怎样判断对划线部分提问?方法是什么? 几个物理知识题1 加速度=△v/△t 既然是△v/△t怎么能说在某一点时物体加速度大呢?比如在某一点求加速度 △v是可以随便取的呀 比如物体速度由5 19 20 5到19加速度大 但如果取5到20 加速度不 大学英语六级过了,雅思能考几分? 英语中one point five后面加名词单数还是复数其他的如1.2,1.9,0.5,2.1后面加单数还是复数 求:人教地理高中必修1复习提纲是人教地理高中必修1的复习提纲!是新版的(2008年2月第3版 2008年6月1日第一次印刷) 高中求人教版地理必修1第二章复习提纲.阿迪大放送RT 空着的两题, 就划线部分提问Miss white is going to have a party 就划线部分提问(this evening ) quantity cubic 一个公司想询价,关于MDF板,quantity cubic meter是每立方米的质量还是数量?后面是20%、40%什么的,怎么理解, 人教版 谁有高中地理必修三的笔记(人教版)的?急需!谢谢了! 对划线部分提问(画括号的为划线词)1.i want to go (to the post office)( )( )( )want to go?2.i moved to this neighbourhood(last week)( )( )you move to his neighbourhood?3.Lisa lives (at 305 Sun Building)( )( )Lisa live?4.you will see 第三题 对划线部分提问 如果打算考雅思还有必要刷六级吗马上大二了,上学期六级520+,不高也不低的分数,但是我已经打算考雅思,先自学个几年大三或大四再考,这样我还有必要去刷六级的分数吗?另外雅思自学要学哪 过了六级后,雅思能考几分? 第五题