
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 13:33:59
but I'm afraid we can't because we've run out of bread怎么翻译 When the moon emerged from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance.求翻译 英语翻译客服部运营部驾驶员休息区 小丑鱼的生活习性 如图:正方形ABCD中,对角线AC.BD相交于点O,DE=CF,试说明OE=OF.OE垂直OF 六一班同学的近视率已达14%, 如图,点O是直线CD上一点,AO⊥OB,∠AOD=2∠BOC,求∠BOC的度数 如图,点o是直线CD上一点,AO 垂直OB,角AOD=8BOC ,求角BOC的度数. which festival is in May?怎么回答How do you celebrate your favouriite festival?怎么回答 The Dragon Boat Festival is (in May or June.)括号部分提问 如图,在正方形ABCD中,O为对角线AC和BD的交点,E为CO上一点,连接BE,F为∠OBE角平分线上一点,连接OF、AF,G为BE上一点且BO=BG.(1)若FG⊥OF,OF=1,求线段OG的长度;(2)若∠AFB=90°,求证:AF=BF+OG Su Ning remembers things quickly的同意句什么啊 写出百分数 百发百中() 事半功倍() 大海捞针() The lift do not go to the top floor.这个DO表示加强语气吗? We must use the lift to reach the top floor.一般疑问句___we ___the lift to reach the top floor? 上外英语语言文学口译方向和笔译方向哪个好考 carve soap figures “I need to pack up my things in the suitcase very quicky,”the girl said.改成间宾并指出主谓宾. decided on与decided to有什么区别 I need to pack up my things in the suitcase very quickly这句话的句子成分标出主语 谓语 宾语 状语 英语翻译二句:1:释放所有翅膀上的能量 2:释放所有能量在翅膀上 Soneone offers you a glass of wine .What do you refuse offer? decide的动词ing 判断:—个比的前项乘1/4,后项除以4,比值不变() decide怎么用,加to还是-ing? [英语]decide on能加ing形式的动词吗? 历史上东.西晋是怎么灭亡的.之后又是哪个朝代. Don't forget the book that I told you to bring开头用Don't 有忽略什么单词么? 在正方体abcd-a1b1c1d1,e是a1c1的中点,那直线ce垂直哪个直线?A.ac在正方体abcd-a1b1c1d1,e是a1c1的中点,那直线ce垂直哪个直线?A.ac.B.bd.C.a1d.D.a1d1 We have decided not to go,though it was a difficult _(decide) 根据划线②句的意思,你能联想到朱自清的哪篇文章是《认识父亲》 “牛背上的笛声何处去了,那满流着夏夜的香于热的笛孔?”联想到朱自清《春》中的哪句话?急啊^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^再品析一下这句诗句