
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:45:54
四川的电费是怎么收的?多少钱一度?会超过多少度居民用电变成商业用电? 已知丨a+(-5)丨+丨b+3丨=0,求a+b的值? 若|a|=5,丨b|=3,求a乘b的值 Take all those wonderful feelings you have and let them out you need to know your feelings,so they can lead you down the path you were ment to follow .max it all out when it comes to living your life .they are the key to making your dreams come true Let your past makes you better,not bitter .这是哪个地区的方言?是美式还是英式的啊?这是一个马来西亚人说的,别的地区也这么说么?如果不这么说,应该怎么说啊?是不是有好几种翻译方式呢? You can't really let those bad things get to you.翻译 蓝色化合物溶于水的粉红色溶液,化合物是什么? 怎么写? 高中阅读理解题,求解答,求详细解析My elder brother Steve, in the absence of my father who died when I was six, gave me important lessons in values that helped me grow into an adult. For instance, Steve taught me to face the results of my 请问下面一句英语中and the rights of those on it 的代词those 和it 各代指什么?Poor people can then use the land as security to get bank loans.Land records can also show foreign investors that the land and the rights of those on it are The following error has occurred是什么意思 装系统出Output error file to the following location:装系统中弹出框File name 〔546〕Output error file to the following location: I hope to carry more links with you怎么翻来着?. witnesses____three people escape from the scene where the man was murdered.A reported to see B repored seeing C were reported to see D are reported to be seeing 能说明下原因吗? 解释下原因,尤其是第一空The student told me that he _______ the exam _______.A.has had;yesterday?B.had;the day before yesterday?C.had had;the day before?D.had had;yesterday 解释下原因尤其是第一空 power cut 过去是怎么写 power failure 什么官僚地主和商人三位一体的商业发展模式 怎样理解旧中国的农村地主商人高利贷者常常是三位一体的 生物试卷【7到9】 POWER ON AFTER POWER FAIL这个是在BOIS里的,请解释下它的意思. pwron after pwr-fail 的中文含义blos中的整合周边设定中的设备选项 after power on 是什么意思? 若方程组x+y=3 x-2y=a-3的解满足x>0y 物理学伯努利方程是什么?压强什么? 请问FR4板的折射率范围是多少 伯努利方程的物理意义和几何意义?请问答 快,7分之11与7分之22的和的33分之7是多少? (1+7\33)+(1+7\33×2)+``````+(1+7\33×11)=? I don't belive that you don't understand my ward汉译英 请问地质报告中的trace sand 有一首歌好像带什么1什么2什么3什么4什么5什么6什么7什么得数字前面是英文