
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:21:41
寻找bec中级partner,一起练习口语..本人刚考完四级,580分,六级还没考..打算找一个水平差不多的..地区在北京 相应的基数词.one hundred and one→_____________ one的基数词 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Did they meet john?英译汉,顺便用过去式的回答方式回答. It's payday,and they're waiting___.A:for paying B:to be paid C:to be paying D:to have paid强调payday的意思, He gets up at five 变复数急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急! ususlly,gets up,at,he,sik o'clock连词成句 怎么形容为祖国做出贡献的名人怎么用词语来形容为祖国做出贡献的名人啊? 粤语求翻译~有无搞错呀~喺翻埋一齐咪好咯,点解结局仲要喺咁..>. 唔发嬲你喺咪当我既耐心喺无限派送咖?这句粤语谁帮我翻译一下- - sex is love啥意思 求歌名..歌词开头是"if don't matter who you love still loving don''t matter you where you see ( )dream of you.."是酷狗上沙宣理发店的歌曲.. i no matter who you love still loving 把爱情分为18阶段如题从初次相遇到最后白头偕老分为18阶段,阶段字数在2至5字都可以每阶段字数必须相等押韵最好谢谢好人 不胜负荷怎么造句 Rosa sprawled out on the bed,on her stomach,with her hands under...Rosa sprawled out on the bed,on her stomach,with her hands under the pillow and her face buried in the pillow Tom or I am right.此句的am可否用is代替 with a hand on her shoulder 第一个:I am Tom. 求翻译 You ain't got any.Am I right or am I right or am I right? Where are you,Tom?Here in the sittingroom,________to Professor write B.writing writing be writing请翻译 并说明理由. 翻译词组.often has a short rest or plays games with his(her) friends (根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空) 1、 Tom is happy ____( eat ) out with Mary.2、You should_____(not say) that to your teachers.(按照要求完成下列句子.每空一词)1、 Anna has a piano lesson at weekends.(改 像织布的梭子来回活动,形容来往频繁的词语是什么 用承担造句 Polly found herself s_ up at a man standing with his hand r_ on her arm. 英语翻译 变成复合句:He saw a man standing with a hat in his hand time, can not change my love for you. want you at my side, give me a hug. i am really tired什么意思? 有关炊烟缭绕的诗句 “失败是成功的另一半”这句是不是成功的人生哲理 谁有完整的《成就你人生的100个哲理》一个哲理由一个故事,100个哲理正好有100个哲理.