
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 09:10:11
如果a^2+b^2-4a-8b+20=0,求b^(-a) 骆驼祥子,钢铁是怎样练成的,朝花夕拾.共要20处,每处不超过20字 ) 根据下列条件分别确定二次函数的解析式抛物线y=ax^2+bx+c过点(-3.2)(-1.-1)(1.3根据下列条件,分别确定二次函数解析式:抛物线y=ax^2+bx+c过点(-3,2),(-1,-1),(1,3);抛物线y=ax^2+bx+c与x轴的两交点的横坐标 根据下列条件,分别确定二次函数解析式:抛物线y=ax^2+bx+c过点(-3,2),(-1,-1),(1,3);抛物线y=ax^2+bx+c与x轴的两交点的横坐标分别是-1/2,3/2,与y轴交点的纵坐标是-5 问个问题;已知:△ABC全等于△A'B'C',AD、A'D'分别是△ABC和△A'B'C'的中线,求证:AD=A'D' 分解因式4a²(x-y)+b²(y-x) 2分之1{2分之1【2分之1(2分之1x-1)-1】-1}-1=0的解 X-1/0.3-0.5-0.1x/0.2=2怎么解 就是0.3分之X-1减去0.2分之0.5-0.1X=2,求X等于几 3题今晚8.00前 1、下列各句中加点成语使用正确的是( )A:多利之死,说明克隆动物的寿命还存在问题,将尚不成熟的克隆技术人类,实属*暴殄天物*的犯罪行为.B:对这两支球队之间多年的积怨,球迷们早已*讳 求近初中近年中考 或 较难的 语序排列题,我的语感较差,总是在这方面的选择题上丢分,需要练习一下,题越多越好,我表达很差?< 怎就没人懂呢 拖动火箭上升的施力物体是空气还是燃气?理由是什么?最好快点! .There _______ great changes in my hometown by the end of 2000.A.have been B.were C.had been D.had had The beds and chairs were fairly _____ .a.comfort b.comfortable c.discomfort d.complainWe can use a more _____ way to build the library.a.economic b.economy c.economically d.economicalIf you have high blood pressure ,you should _____ eating too much s 32 jack descried his father,who _____a brave boy many years ago,as a strong-wiled manA.would be B.would have beenC.must be D.must have been为什么 英语选择题 最好有详解答案( )9. Your name is Jill, right? Yes, ___________. A. I am B. I’m C. it is D. it’s( )11. The boy in a red hat is _____________. A. English B. an English C. an America D. China( 有没有什么书是专门做初中语文选择题的? 给跪 1、下列各句中加点成语使用正确的是( )A:多利之死,说明克隆动物的寿命还存在问题,将尚不成熟的克隆技术人类,实属*暴殄天物*的犯罪行为.B:对这两支球队之间多年的积怨,球迷们早已*讳 已知a^2+b^2+c^2-4a+4b-bc≤17,求a+b+c的值 已知:a²+b²+c²-4a+4b-bc≤17,(1)求a+b+c的值;(2)求½b的值 My brother __the army for thress years.A.has been in B.has joined C.has taken part in D.has got tohave been是去过某地,对吧.为什么选A 怎么看出来my brother已经回来了,别的怎么不行呢? 1.We've lost all our money._____shall we do?A.How B.What C.Where D.Why2."______are you going to borrow?" "Mary's."A.Who B.What C.Whose D.Where3.Money is important,but it isn't ____.A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing4.Some of us agree ,____ 英语选择题,帮忙解析一下1.In the reading room,we found her _____at a desk,weith her attention _____on a book.A.sitting;fixing B. seated;fixed 答案是选B的,为什么第一个空要用过去分词呢?2.After taking your medicine,the pa 5.—Do you think I could borrow your bicycle?—_______A.How come?B.Take your time.C.Yes,go on D.Yes,help yourself.7.The old tower must be saved,_________the cost.A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.wherever8.______ more about university courses,call 1、I( )my homework while my parents ( )TV last night.A、did,have watched B、was doing,were watchingC、had done,were watching D、 would do,were watching2、English__in Canada ,Australia and NEW zeland as well as America A、speaks B、is 如果末尾有0的三位数除以一位数,商的末尾一定有0()正确吗? 1.All__is needed is a supply of oil.A.the thing B.which C.what D.that2.He thanked me for what my son__.A.did B.had done C.does D.has done3.The story__,and everybody knows about it.A.has got round B.got round C.was got round D.has been got round 一个末尾有2个0的数除以一个一位数,所得的商的末尾最多有多少个0 1、I'll never tell you another secret if you let this one( )A off B out C away D on2、The commander ( D ) the may closely before coming to the decision.A investigated B inspected C researched D studied3、Pick me up at 8 o'clock,I( D )my bath by th 已知二次函数的图象经过原点及点...数学题.已知二次函数的图象经过原点及点(-1/2,-1/4),且图象与X轴的另一交点到原点的距离为1,则该二次函数的解析式_______正在预习,麻烦各位把那个过程 I used to drink a lot tea but these days I ________ coffee.A.preferB.preferredC.have preferredD.am perferring