The beds and chairs were fairly _____ .a.comfort b.comfortable c.discomfort d.complainWe can use a more _____ way to build the library.a.economic b.economy c.economically d.economicalIf you have high blood pressure ,you should _____ eating too much s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 09:32:02
The beds and chairs were fairly _____ .a.comfort b.comfortable c.discomfort d.complainWe can use a more _____ way to build the library.a.economic b.economy c.economically d.economicalIf you have high blood pressure ,you should _____ eating too much s
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The beds and chairs were fairly _____ .a.comfort b.comfortable c.discomfort d.complainWe can use a more _____ way to build the library.a.economic b.economy c.economically d.economicalIf you have high blood pressure ,you should _____ eating too much s
The beds and chairs were fairly _____ .
a.comfort b.comfortable c.discomfort d.complain
We can use a more _____ way to build the library.
a.economic b.economy c.economically d.economical
If you have high blood pressure ,you should _____ eating too much salt .
a.neglect b.escape c.ignore d.avoid
The World Health Organization expects everyone to _____ smoking by 2010.
a.dress up b.jump up c.point to d.give up
Living in a big house by yourself would be very _____ .
a.likely c.alone d.lonely
His facial _____ told us that he was angry.
a.gesture b.expression c.sign d.symbol
After a long discussion,they at last _____ a conclusion that the experiment should be continued.
a.made b.found c.discovered d.drew
She didn't go to the cinema last night ,_____ she had to finish her term paper. b.if c.till d.though
During the absence of the manager ,his assistant will take the _____ of his position. c.plan d.plain
I hurried _____ i wouldn't be late for class.
a.since if that d.unless
_____ my surprise ,they were not at all excited about the news.
a.For b.Over c.To d.On
I will remember _____ your letter on my way home. b.posting c.posted post
If it _____ tomorrow ,we'll go to the park.
a.doesn't rain b.don't rain c.won't rain d.rained
At last the thief _____ by the police.
a.caught caught c.was caught d.has been caught
His proposal is that they _____ the other groups to a friendly competition.
a.will challenge b.challenged c.challenge d.challenging
The sick old man asked the doctor for _____ to get better soon.
a.award b.advice c.situation d.sheet
She is so strange ,She always tries to _____ talking to me.
a.prefer b.project c.avoid d.assure
I loved you the _____ i saw you.
a.moment b.point c.heart d.face
Jack is among the brightest of his _____ :he can speak several foreign languages and has won three national prizes.
a.honor b.ability c.generation d.edge
The _____ of this country comes from its oil.
a.wealth b.view c.sympathy d.tale

The beds and chairs were fairly _____ .a.comfort b.comfortable c.discomfort d.complainWe can use a more _____ way to build the library.a.economic b.economy c.economically d.economicalIf you have high blood pressure ,you should _____ eating too much s
1.B comfortable,舒适的,此处应填写形容词,A选项是名词,C是“不舒适”的意思,并且是名词,D根本与题目无关,意为“抱怨,投诉”,为动词,只有B选项是“舒适的”,形容词.
3.D,avoid doing sth,避免做某事,固定搭配.A neglet,意为“否定的”,不合题意;B escape意为“逃走”,不合题意;C ignore意为“忽略,不管,不顾”,不合题意.
4.D,give up smoking,戒烟,固定搭配.A dress up,整装,打扮;B jump up,跳起;C point to,指向.
5.D,lonely,形容词,意为“寂寞的”,符合题意.A likely,表示可能性,与possibly意思相近;B limited,形容词,意为“有限的”;C alone,“单独的”.
6.B,facial expression,意为 “面部表情”,符合题意.A.gesture,表示肢体动作,姿势,手势;C.sign,“标志,标识”;D.symbol,“象征”
7.D,draw a conclusion,“得出结论”,固定搭配,此处是过去时,应用draw的过去式drew.
8.A,as此处是“由于”的意思,表示原因.B.if,“如果”,不合题意;C.till,“直到...为止”;D though,“即使,尽管”.
9.A,take the place of sb=replace sb,以为代替某人,固定搭配.
10.C so that,“为了,以至于”,符合题意.A since,“既然”;B as if,“就像”;D unless,"除非".
11.C To,to sb's surprise,“令某人吃惊的是”,固定搭配.
12.D remember to do sth,记得去做某事,这个事情还没做,固定搭配.
13.A doesn't rain,if引导的条件状语从句,前面用一般现在时,后半句用将来时.it 作主语,用do not的第三人称单数形式,doesn't.
14.C was caught,贼“被抓”,此处是被动语态,而且是过去时态,因此be+catch的过去分词形式.
15.A will challange,“将会挑战”,该句描述的是“他的计划书”,自然是将来的事情,用将来时.
16.B advice,ask sb for advice,“向某人咨询意见”,固定搭配.A award,“获得,奖励”;C situation,“情况,情形”;D sheet,“床单”.
17.C avoid,avoid doing sth,避免/避开做某事.
18.A moment,意为“时候”,句子的意思是:“我在见到你的时候就爱上你了.”B point,“点”;C heart,“心”; D face,“脸”.
19.C generation,“代”.前半句意思是:“杰克是他们那代人里面最聪明的”.A honor,荣誉;B ability,能力;D edge,边缘.
20.A wealth,财富,符合题意.B view,景色;C sympathy,同情;D tale,童话,故事.



1. B comfortable, 舒适的, 此处应填写形容词,A选项是名词,C是“不舒适”的意思,并且是名词,D根本与题目无关,意为“抱怨,投诉”,为动词,只有B选项是“舒适的”,形容词。
2. D, 经济的,节约的;填形容词。A是“经济学的”,形容词;B是“经济”,名词。
3. D,avoid doing sth,避免做某事,固定搭配。A neglet,意为“否定的”,不合题意...


1. B comfortable, 舒适的, 此处应填写形容词,A选项是名词,C是“不舒适”的意思,并且是名词,D根本与题目无关,意为“抱怨,投诉”,为动词,只有B选项是“舒适的”,形容词。
2. D, 经济的,节约的;填形容词。A是“经济学的”,形容词;B是“经济”,名词。
3. D,avoid doing sth,避免做某事,固定搭配。A neglet,意为“否定的”,不合题意;B escape意为“逃走”,不合题意;C ignore意为“忽略,不管,不顾”,不合题意。
4. D,give up smoking,戒烟,固定搭配。A dress up, 整装,打扮;B jump up,跳起;C point to,指向。
5. D,lonely,形容词,意为“寂寞的”,符合题意。A likely,表示可能性,与possibly意思相近;B limited,形容词,意为“有限的”;C alone,“单独的”。
6. B, facial expression, 意为 “面部表情”,符合题意。A. gesture,表示肢体动作,姿势,手势;C. sign,“标志,标识”;D. symbol, “象征”
7. D, draw a conclusion,“得出结论”,固定搭配,此处是过去时,应用draw的过去式drew.
8. A, as此处是“由于”的意思,表示原因。B. if,“如果”,不合题意;C. till,“直到...为止”;D though,“即使,尽管”。
9. A,take the place of sb=replace sb, 以为代替某人,固定搭配。
10. C so that,“为了,以至于”,符合题意。A since, “既然”;B as if, “就像”;D unless, "除非"。
11. C To, to sb's surprise, “令某人吃惊的是”,固定搭配。
12. D remember to do sth,记得去做某事,这个事情还没做,固定搭配。
13. A doesn't rain, if引导的条件状语从句,前面用一般现在时,后半句用将来时。 it 作主语,用do not的第三人称单数形式,doesn't。
14. C was caught,贼“被抓”,此处是被动语态,而且是过去时态,因此be+catch的过去分词形式。
15. A will challange, “将会挑战”,该句描述的是“他的计划书”,自然是将来的事情,用将来时。
16. B advice, ask sb for advice,“向某人咨询意见”,固定搭配。A award,“获得,奖励”;C situation,“情况,情形”;D sheet,“床单”。
17. C avoid, avoid doing sth,避免/避开做某事。
18. A moment,意为“时候”,句子的意思是:“我在见到你的时候就爱上你了。”B point, “点”;C heart, “心”; D face, “脸”。
19. C generation, “代”。 前半句意思是:“杰克是他们那代人里面最聪明的”。A honor,荣誉;B ability, 能力;D edge, 边缘。
20. A wealth, 财富,符合题意。 B view,景色;C sympathy,同情;D tale,童话,故事。


The house they rent is comfortable with such ____as beds ,chairs ,tables and desks.A.furnitures C.a furniture's We don't have much space, so they have ot sit on our beds. Here the word space means:A. chairs B. room C. beds the desks and chairs are (我们的) 英语小短文 ,请找出5个错误This is the twin’s bedroom.It’s a nice room.Two beds look same.The left one is Tom’s and the right one is Tony’s.There are one desk and two chairs.Their clock,books and pencil-boxs are on the desk.Can you s A board and three chairs are in the classroom.对A board and three chairs提问, 阅读下面一段短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正(T)误(F).The twins have a big room. There are two beds, a desk and two chairs in it. The door of the room is green. There are four windows in it, too. There’s a clock and some nice pictu 帮我做一个英语阅读短文On New Year’s Eve,people in Italy throw out all the old things.So there are chairs,beds,clothes and plates in the trees.In Spain,the New Year comes in more quietly.In the evening people come together to the streets. 英语翻译The ice hotel in Sweden is the world's largest hotel made entirely of ice.The hotel's tables,chairs,and even beds are all made of ice The hotel's size changes every year ,because each spring the hotel melts.Each autumn workers have to bui 英语翻译(1)But it is not just the extra-tall whose needs are not being met.The average height of the population has been increasing yet the standard size of beds,doorways,and chairs has remained unchanged.(2)“The bedding industry says a 阅读短文,At midnight on New Year's Eve.People in Rome,Italy,throw out all the things they don't want.The streets are full of old chairs,beds,clothes and dishes.In Madrid,Spain,the new year comes in more quietly.People go to the main spuare,each h 英语翻译前面有两段是说“高会有许多不便----”But it is not just the extra-tall whose needs are not being met.The average height of the population has been increasing yet the standard size of beds,doorways,and chairs has remained un 阅读理解,选择最佳答案.At midnight on New Year's Eve.People in Rome,Italy,throw out all the things they don't want.The streets are full of old chairs,beds,clothes and dishes.In Madrid,Spain,the new year comes in more quietly.People go to the the student,desks are blue and the chairs ane ble, chairs/were/and/The/desks/new/the(连词成句) strip the beds 英语的:阅读理解,阅读短文并选择最佳答案At midnight on New Year's Eve.People in Rome,Italy,throw out all the things they don't want.The streets are full of old chairs,beds,clothes and dishes.In Madrid,Spain,the new year comes in mor 阅读理解.阅读短文后选择最佳答案At midnight on New Year's Eve.People in Rome,Italy,throw out all the things they don't want.The streets are full of old chairs,beds,clothes and dishes.In Madrid,Spain,the new year comes in more quietly.Pe 阅读理解.阅读短文后选择最佳答案.At midnight on New Year's Eve.People in Rome,Italy,throw out all the things they don't want.The streets are full of old chairs,beds,clothes and dishes.In Madrid,Spain,the new year comes in more quietly.P